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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

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If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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Medicare for All Resolution
Thank you for considering the Medicare for All Resolution. City Council is considering helping to pay off medical debt of thousands of residents at this time. This is a great step, and fortunate that there is funding available from ARPA. In normal times, people are left on their own to figure out whether to pay for housing, food and medical care. This is not just an issue with seniors, it is everybody. We need universal healthcare, and it is possible, but more importantly it is humane. I am asking that all members of City Council support the non-binding resolution and stand up for the health and well being of all citizens in Cleveland.
Name: Diane Morgan
Posted: Feb 8, 2023
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About manager 's should not put owners money in there bank account it is not right at all problems mailing me my mail an paycheck.
It goes for anyone that steals money it is wrong an watch out for black mailers too me I have a badge that I won as a lawsuit for a real reason blaming me for something that is not true.
Name: Clayton Boyce
Posted: Feb 8, 2023
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Menthol ci
I can't believe you are even addressing this matter. Seriously,with all the other issues in Cleveland your concerned about the flavor of cigarettes that will be available in surrounding cities. So hurt the little ma and pa stores in Cleveland. You should be ashamed to even mention this with all that is going on in Cleveland.
Name: Ellen Steele
Posted: Feb 7, 2023
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Flavored Tobacco Ban
The National Hookah Community Association (NHCA) brings together, and serves as the voice of, hookah producers, distributors, sellers, lounge owners, consumers, and community members who support the preservation of hookah’s cultural traditions. We are writing to request that as you consider a ban on flavored tobacco products, you acknowledge the cultural significance of hookah to minority and immigrant populations as well as the lack of youth access to, and use of, the product. California took a historic step just last month by enacting a statewide ban on flavored tobacco products, which exempted hookah, for these reasons. NHCA has worked with California, and with many other state and local governments including Colorado, Columbus, Denver, San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles, and others, to include exemptions for hookah in recent flavor ban legislation. Hookah is a small category in the tobacco space, making up only roughly 0.005% of nicotine product sales. However, hookah is an important cultural practice to many and one that has existed for centuries, originating in the Middle East and India. Today, a broad cross-section of immigrants in the U.S. from around the world enjoy hookah at home and in lounges as a centerpiece for cultural, business, and social gatherings. Hookah is widely used by Middle Eastern, Armenian, Turkish, East African, Indian, Persian, Indonesian, and other minority immigrant citizens. Hookah lounges across the country have come to serve as safe gathering places for many diverse ethnic and religious communities. Despite the importance of this social practice and tradition, NHCA members continue to find that many policymakers are often unfamiliar with hookah, its practice, and its community. NHCA fully supports efforts to eliminate youth access and usage of tobacco products, including hookah. Hookah is unlikely to be used or consumed by youth for many reasons. Hookah water pipes are expensive, several feet tall, not easily concealed, and the setup for use is a lengthy process. Lounges that offer hookah are restricted to of-age customers, preventing teens from accessing the product. Recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that of those middle and high school students who reported using tobacco, just 1% used hookah in the past 30 days, ten times less than the number of teens or youth who vape. Shisha, the product used in hookah, is a combination of tobacco and a sugar substance such as honey or molasses, and the total product is only comprised of approximately 15% tobacco. As has been the practice for hundreds of years, hookah is, by nature, a flavored product. Unfortunately, noble efforts to address the teen vaping epidemic by banning flavored tobacco also would result in the ban of ALL hookah. A ban on hookah would not only eliminate this important cultural practice for many U.S. citizens, but could also shutter many small, independent, and minority owned businesses. Many of these businesses serve as community gathering places for immigrant populations in cities across the country. Many hookah users are part of religious or ethnic populations that already face discrimination. Eliminating this cultural practice would make many feel as though they are misunderstood and targeted as an outsider by lawmakers and regulators. We ask that you do not target this important cultural practice and shutter minority and immigrant owned businesses. Please grant an exemption hookah for both retail and lounges from the scope of any flavored tobacco ban legislation. National Hookah Community Association
Name: Christopher Hudgins
Posted: Feb 6, 2023
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Burke Lakefront Airport
I am a 30 year resident of Cuyahoga County. Prior to moving here, I lived in New Haven, CT and Baltimore, MD. In CT, I often drove to the West Haven waterfront on the Long Island Sound, where I'd have dinner, shop, and walk along the shoreline. In Baltimore, I lived there during the development of the Inner Harbor. I worked in a restaurant, shopped, and attended festivals there. When I moved to the North Shore, I foolishly expected the Cleveland waterfront to have similar, or even better, retail and tourist development. Boy, was I wrong. Over the years, I've often lamented how sad and inadequate the shoreline of Cleveland remains. Proper expansion would yield a lot more revenue than the Burke Airport. It would become a tourist destination, just like the Inner Harbor. Retail and dining would thrive, if built to be user friendly year-round. Hotels & residences would command top dollar. Tax revenues would be huge. This should have been done many years ago. Not another decade should go by. Please don't let the monied few, who utilized prime real estate for private planes, deprive Cleveland of a potential crown jewel to be enjoyed by all.
Name: Ramona Bause
Posted: Feb 5, 2023
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Pressing Issues Regarding Transit Equity
First, I want to praise City Council for the efforts in the past year towards decriminalizing fare evasion. I am an Ohio resident who was born and raised in Cleveland, and while riding the Healthline as a black man, I faced harassment from transit police to present my pass, and witnessed other, always black, riders being "escorted" (read: manhandled) off the bus over failure to prove that they paid. I know firsthand and secondhand that this punitive system has only hurt everyone it impacts. To celebrate Transit Equity Day coming up, and the concept of transit equity as a whole, I request for the members of City Council to give up use of their cars for one week and only rely on transit. From transit police to poor sidewalk clearance during the winter to reduced bus lines, I think the only way to truly understand what needs to be done to restore the RTA to what it was 30 years ago is to experience its current deficits directly. Even if this request is too much for ask, I trust and believe that City Council always acts with the best interest of the city of Cleveland and will consider the thoughts and experiences of its residents who have the most to gain and the most to lose in their policymaking.
Name: Michael Harney
Posted: Jan 29, 2023
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Transit Equity Day (February 4th) & Try Transit
Dear Cleveland City Council, I am a resident of the Tremont neighborhood and am writing as an individual in my personal capacity to encourage you to join in celebrating Transit Equity Day on February 4th, 2023, which is observed each year in honor of the life and legacy of Rosa Parks on her birthday. I also encourage you to commit to the Clevelanders for Public Transit Transit Equity Day challenge by committing to ride public transportation for a week beginning that day. Experiencing public transportation first-hand is an important way to build understanding and empathy about the ridership experience, and to break down the "windshield bias" that develops from only experiencing life from behind the windshield of a car. When you try transit, you may also find yourself walking and biking more to get to/from bus or train stops as well - giving you more perspective about sidewalk and bike lane/trail conditions as well. There are great resources to learn about improving transit - two excellent books are Better Buses, Better Cities by Steven Highashide, and Human Transit by Jarrett Walker (who has a long-running blog by the same name: My family moved to Cleveland in May 2022, and we are thankful to be able to share one car while meeting many of our transportation needs by walking, biking, and using transit. We appreciate all of the efforts by the City of Cleveland to make walking, biking, and transit safe and convenient options, and we know there is more work to do. Thank you for efforts on Complete and Greet Streets, and Vision Zero. Sincerely, Andrea Hamre, PhD Tremont Resident
Name: Andrea Hamre
Posted: Jan 26, 2023
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Mayor's 311 Redesign Project
Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts. I am writing in support of the Mayor's desire to fund system, process & technology upgrades within the City of Cleveland that will streamline & digitize Cleveland's 311 Resident Request hotline. As a resident of Cleveland, I can say we desperately need a timely, responsive, and easy-to-access way to reach City Hall. As someone who conducted a small bit of research on the topic as a member of the Mayor's transition advisory team, I can say that this is a gnarly problem only a serious commitment will be able to solve. I hope the Mayor and his teams will also consider how to provide access to those who do not have internet access at home. It is time for Cleveland to step into the digital age, while intentionally including all of its residents. I am in full support of the Mayor's initiative and I hope that Council will approve this funding. Thank you for your consideration.
Name: Shannon Copfer Brace
Posted: Jan 23, 2023
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Recycle garbage
Week after week a person in my household watch the Recycle garbage be put into the regular trash by the garbage men. I have stickers on the cans yet they are lazy and put everything together. I work at a hospital and if I screwed up I would lose my job. Maybe some of these low lifes should also.
Name: James
Posted: Jan 18, 2023
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Public Utility Patrol Firearms
I would encourage the Council and Mayor to review the investigations into coordinated sabotage of public utilities in majority-black communities in North Carolina, Washington, Michigan, and elsewhere. My suspicion is these events are not isolated, but part of regional efforts to prepare for major disruptions of social order as part of white nationalist and/or anarchic extremist political groups in the run-up to the 2024 election. I would encourage Council and the Mayor's office to consult with the FBI and state and local law enforcement, and that the issue within the Charter be resolved to permit armed security at these vital sites.
Name: Luke Taylor
Posted: Jan 10, 2023
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