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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online


If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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Ordinance 909-2022
I would like to ask that this Ordinance regarding partnership with ShotSpotter is NOT passed. The technology does not work (watch if you have not) and the placement of the detectors promotes discriminatory policing. Thank you, Deborah Kohn 44120
Name: Deborah Kohn
Posted: Oct 2, 2022
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High rent everywhere 'why ' I need help elderly
The greed of people who own homes for rent . How are people going to be able to afford to rent a decent place to live when every landlord wants so much money. We are being made to move by a new owner and we have been looking for a month a half. There is nothing out there below 900 to1500 dollars. Social security only goes so far. This unacceptable and unexcusable . Something must be done now . NOW! So as council members of the city of Cleveland if you people can't do nothing to make this right or remedy this then you need to be fired and get out of office right now so somebody else that can take care of it this this is ridiculous
Name: David
Posted: Sep 24, 2022
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Shot spotter + new jail
These two projects are a colossal waste of public money and I could not be more unsupportive of either of them. Use our taxes to fight poverty not arrest and jail the impoverished
Name: John-Paul Richard
Posted: Sep 23, 2022
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Glenville Neighborhood
My name is Kimberly Carter my concerns is the construction that’s going on on Eva 105th St., I’m a business owner and this project has put a damper on my business we’re losing business no one have been out there to work on the streets for over a year , I have called City Hall on several occasions with no return phone calls I have call channel 19 news to come out which they have done a story on the street project no one has returned their phone calls I came down to City Hall law office and picked up a copy of the contract of the company perks that is doing history repairs not only the street repairs look at E. 105th St. between superior and St. Clair it looks like a war zone there’s no city plowing grass and open feels we have builders that fallen and collapsing this neighborhood has been ignored ,Jeff Johnson was a council person he never done anything Kevin Conwell took over our ward it was a lot that he had to take on we need help over here we need to be treated as such as you treat Tremont was 125 The West side is getting a complete upgrade we never got anything I’ve been in Glenville area all my life I’m 56 years old I’ve never seen no type of construction know anything going on in that area and 56 years of my living in the Glenville area so I will be calling the news channel every time I get I’m going to Continue to speak about the treatment this neighborhood is getting every chance I get until the city gets it that we need help over here I also try to get garbage cans put on E. 105th St. we have no trash cans none .It’s terrible it’s a war zone
Name: Kimberly Carter
Posted: Sep 19, 2022
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My name is Jacqueline Foster. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I graduated from East High school on the east side of Cleveland. I went on to work various jobs in the clerical field and started college at Cleveland State University. During my twenties I married and left school and work for some years. I later divorced and returned to CSU to complete a bachelor degree. I do not have any children of my own. When I returned to the workforce, I noticed several disparities between classes of people. There is a class of people who do not have their education. Some people do not have high school diplomas or college degrees. There are people with children without their education. This affects black and white people and old and young. Most of the higher wage opportunities are available to people with a higher education. There is a since of entitlement among people with children. I have been attacked several times by people with children trying to get better opportunities for their families. There needs to be more services available for people with children to further their education. These opportunities need to be promoted and publicized regularly. This is a serious issue in our communities. Can we make education a priority for our citizens?
Name: Jacqueline Foster
Posted: Sep 12, 2022
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Ordinance to Release Police Body Cam Footage within 7 Days after Use of Force
Hello, I'm writing to share my strong support for requiring the release of video footage of police officers using deadly force within seven days of the incident. I understand an Ordinance is under consideration by the full City Council, and urge you to adopt this reform. Thank you, Andrea
Name: Andrea Hamre
Posted: Aug 5, 2022
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the shootings within the city of Cleveland
we as a city and the Leadership of the city of Cleveland and the Cleveland Communities we must work together and bring Positive force of change on all Levels, we as a community must work with the Cleveland Police to stop the Guns Shootings within the Cleveland communities. and the Cleveland Police must bring Trust Back within the Black communities like the old days. remember this y'all together we rise on change not on hatred, or blaming each other, we have Bad cops, and we Have bad People within the Cleveland communities on Both sides of the fence. if the city of Cleveland Leadership and the Cleveland Communities want to bring Positive force of change within the city of Cleveland and within the communities, please give me a call 440.650.7063 Maurice Sledge.
Name: Maurice Sledge
Posted: Aug 1, 2022
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Something has got to be done about all the drug dealers and prostitutes living and hanging out at that apartment building its has gotten worse with no end or police presence in sight.
Name: Tamara Dozier
Posted: Jul 23, 2022
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Concerns about apartment on 14205 Milverton Road that experienced Fire damage in early May 2022
14205 Milverton Road (building complex) unfortunately experienced a small fire in May 2022. The property has obviously suffered damage in more than one suite of the complex. Unfortunately the property has not been tended to. The windows were broken out during the time of the fire, yet there has been no follow up by the property owners. None of the windows were boarded up while there are other residents still living in other parts of the building. This is not only a nuisance to the neighborhood, but more importantly it is a health and safety hazard to the other tenants. As a resident in the adjacent neighborhood, we are requesting the council person, Joseph Jones to please look into this matter.
Name: Concerned Neighbor
Posted: Jul 23, 2022
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Wasted money Council members are using from infrastructure
It is ludicrous the money being spent on frivolous items as written in The PD. Why not fix Cleveland streets and also give to outlying cities whose streets are used by people going to work in Cleveland? Why not use some of it for picking up all the trash along the filthy streets/freeways surrounding Cleveland? Why is it only you handful of people get to decide what gets spent and to what?
Name: Jean Brehm
Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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