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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online


If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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60 year old Jeffrey Ivey, jailed for housing issues.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous that a 60 year old man has been jailed for the housing issues he's facing. We literally have slumlords out here putting people in unsafe homes, not taking care of their properties let alone their tenants, doing extremely illegal things here in northern east Ohio not even just Cleveland. Instead of working with him or presenting him with equal opportunities and resources for someone of his income, you put him in jail!? With murdered, rapists, actual criminals. I have known Jeff since I was 8, I am 30 years old. Jeff is such a light in the community, he is gentle, generous, loving. He hope for nothing but the best for everyone and everything. He helps when help is needed, and he actually cares genuinely about his community. To keep him jailed is the true crime. Maybe this will make you all wake up and smell the bacon and take care of our neighborhoods where slumlords run amock basically ruining people's lives and moving like the mafia. Maybe this will make you and give you the opportunity to create resources for people in his situation or that need help with their cherished family homes. It's rough out here and we need to be uplifting and helping the people in our community. We would like to trust our elected officials and judges to make better judgement on these situations. You got Cleveland ran through with opioid fiends and drug dealers giving them the drugs but this was your concern, and enough to jail Mr. Ivey rather than help him. A shame.
Name: Falon Tripp
Posted: Mar 8, 2023
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60 year old man stilled jailed for housing violations.
Hello,My name is Vonique Ivey,I am one of many nieces of Jeffrey Ivey ,it's so easy for a person to be on the outside making judgement on a man that isn't violent and has not done no time in jail up until Jan.due to the fact that housing violations weren't up to code.My uncle is no criminal nor is he a bad person ,I understand repairs are needed to the Morrow Family home but wasn't done so in a timely matter but to place him in jail for 90 days without bond isn't fair .Mr Ivey should have been asked questions as to why and also given more time with resources to help him with the repairs not put in jail ,1125 East Blvd is not an abandoned home it has all utilities working that my uncle pays for ,he don't have no tenants living there making complaints. A man gets put in jail for not doing repairs to his home when there are slum landlords with property that have tenants who pay rent and have many of complaints but are those landlords sitting in jail without bond ? There are so many abandoned homes that property owners just walked away from because repairs were too much for them to fix but they are not jailed,it's people committing serious crimes but not in jail they get warnings or probation,but as for my uncle Jeffrey Ivey ,he sits in jail without bond ,where is justice ? My uncle is not a bad man he is not a criminal and it's not fair for him to be treated as one. A person on the outside only sees what's on the outside but has no understanding of what's on the inside yes repairs as well but much deeper than that it's a house of generation memories of our family ,fun,food and laughter 1125 East Blvd ,is the home that keeps our family together with the memories and family traditions that my great grandmother Blanche Morrow and my grandmother Cecelia Morrow Banks started.Please free my uncle and allow him to start the process of the repairs to our family home.Thank you
Name: Vonique Ivey
Posted: Mar 6, 2023
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Commission for the improvement in the lives of black women and children
(1). It is imperative that the commission move forward with a sense of urgency given the length of time that it will take to impact and see improvement in the stated mission areas of the commission: health, education and entrepreneurship. (2) Given the magnitude of the wage gap foor Black women, commission counsel participants should be compensate.
Name: Anne Richie
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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Black Women & Girls Commission
Cleveland has declared racism as a public health crisis and it calls for supportive strategies and implementation steps to prevent systemic racism and address the mounting racial disparities that continue to impact Black and Brown Families. The misunderstanding of Black girls and women has lead to educational, societal, and judicial disparities which are continuously overshadowed by analyzing the negative outcomes experienced by Black Boys. As disparities highly impact black boys, black girls experience 7x more out of school suspensions, black women in Ohio are more likely to experience discrimination in health care, and black women are 2.2 more likely to die for pregnancy related causes. Ignoring the negative outcomes experienced by women due to causes stemming from racial inequity require solutions. Therefore initiating a Black Women & Girls Commission will initiate the first step in provision of strategy implementation to shift the trajectory for Black women and girls in Cleveland, Ohio.
Name: Gloria Blevins
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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Black Women and Girls Commission
Councilmembers, Thank you for your service to our city and all its neighborhoods. As a resident, I was thrilled last year to see the vote in support of the Black Women and Girls Commission. This is long overdue. With 52% of our residents identifying as female and 48% as Black we need to focus our public attention, time and resources on Black Women. By focusing on the needs of Black Women we will lift up our entire city. This is why the time is now to empanel this commission with 12 Black Women and Girls to identify the needs and move this work forward.
Name: Abby Westbrook
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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Empanelment of members for The Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls
Cleveland has been identified as one of the worst cities for the safety and health of Black women and girls in the nation. The Bibb administration has failed to keep its promise made a year ago to empanel members to give these citizens a voice and allow for meaningful progress to address the needs of Black women and girls in this city. These women are my colleagues and my students, and their success and flourishing are essential to success and flourishing of this area.
Name: Dr. Mimi Pipino
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls
It is time to empanel the official Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls. The City of Cleveland rankings for Black women and youth are on or near the bottom nationally across multiple categories including - health, economic, resources, social capital and environmental. Project Noir highlighted those disparities in its own survey of Black women working and/or running businesses in or near the city. These issues have been broadly discussed. What city can boast with pride about anything, given these low rankings? Please show the women voters of this region that there is a sense of urgency in authentically addressing and resolving the challenges faced by this unique group of residents, civic leaders, professionals, business owners, philanthropists, activists, students, parents, caregivers, citizens and taxpayers. Don't let inaction perpetuate the gross disparities outlined in past local and national studies about the quality of life and experiences of Black women and girls in this region.
Name: Gloria M Ware
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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Impaneling the members of the Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls
Dear City Council, Thank you for your hard work. I am writing you to ask you to impanel the members of the Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls. It has been almost one full year since the Bibb Administration and Cleveland City Council promised not only to pass The Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls (Ordinance No. 373-2022), but to give voice to Black Women through empower empanelled members aiming to change the liveability metrics for Black Women in Cleveland. As the recent report - Project Noir - demonstrated, Black women experience grave inequities in healthcare, workplaces, education, and other institutions are arenas of life. It is critical that we impanel members on this Commission to examine and address these inequities, so that Cleveland can become a city where all Black women and girls can thrive. Thank you. Katie Clonan-Roy
Name: Katie Clonan-Roy
Posted: Feb 27, 2023
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This commission was authorized a year ago and yet has empaneled no members. This administration is behaving the same way toward woman that previous ones have. Decisions about and for women continue to be made by those that are not. The outcomes for women in cleveland is the worst for any city in the country. We must fix this at the city and county level. Seat and empower the committee now!
Name: Dick Cahoon
Posted: Feb 25, 2023
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The Euclid Beach Trailer Park Residents
In this day and age of thinking out of the box, it’s disappointing not to see more creative solutions to the needs of the residents of the Euclid Beach Trailer Park. I do not understand why this plan did not include a study of similar projects that have successfully addressed the housing needs of communities with similar economic challenges in the USA, Canada and worldwide. It seems obvious that the area is rich in diversity, natural resources, and open spaces that could serve all.
Name: Ruth Flannery
Posted: Feb 16, 2023
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