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Cleveland City Council seeks to make its services, facilities, and programs as accessible as possible to the public, including those who have disabilities or need language assistance.

If, due to a disability or because you need language assistance, you require a reasonable accommodation for access to Council’s facilities, services, or meetings please make an online request below. 

Information on Council’s ADA (American with Disabilities) Title II POLICY is here. Information on the grievance process and a complaint form are also there.

Reasonable Accommodation

If you require a reasonable accommodation – either for a disability or language assistance - to access to Council’s facilities, services or programs, including council meetings, council committee hearings, ward events that include council members please fill out and submit the below form. Please make requests as soon as possible but at least 3 business days before the accommodation is needed. Council will not place a surcharge on auxiliary aids and services.

You can also contact Joan Mazzolini at 216-664-4466 or at for other ways to get assistance.

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How Should We Contact You


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(This will help us assist you with the best Accommodation)
(Please Describe)