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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

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Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

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If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

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Government agencies, laws, law enforcement, government employees, judges, courts and criminal behavior in all
I would like to know why does the governments county, city, state and feds commit acts that are criminal and then cover for each other... while applying rules, penalties and even taking lives of others if natural persons... not the legalize word play that is used to commit acts on the facade of a fictious corporations that the government uses to commit wrong doings and heinous crimes. I have experienced corruption, cover up, double standards amoung others things.... The government is operation under secret rules not known to the public while the rules that are public are a scam...The court system is a scam, the policies and procedures of each are scams and there are gross abuses of authorities and powers... and everything about the government seems to be a scam and extortion in one way or another. Cant get straight answers... cant get fair treatment, cant get fair protections and all collabortate together to support the scam. The government is mismanaging monies... financing foreign interested and has no loyalty to this country nor this state. I have yet to see justice or an honest person in either foreign entity controlling the affairs of this state or any parts of the Americas. Im very disappointed with what I have seen and experienced and I dont see any improvement in any area of government... Officials make laws that benefit criminals in office while penalizing the world for the same or similar acts. The government put others away for inappropriate behavior... shouldnt the penalites for punishment be more extreme for government officials instead of idemnifying them or making it where they can not be punished? Officials who can't face punishment for wrong doings shouldnt be able to vote, voice any opinions nor pass any laws on the matter. I feel with the performance that many have seen and plenty are not happy... Officials in every branch of government should be required to be voted in every 6 months, write ins should be allowed. We pick who we want to vote for and not be subjected to someone else choice list... electoral colleges should be closed and never used in elections. Any felons work in government then all felons who have been arrested and never given a chance should be entitled to same protections as those in government. I hope the next generation does something different... like imprison those who are pushing racist bills, policies and legislations... stop political terrorist in government or courtrooms from abusing their power... some have let the positions cause them to lose touch with reality and the people that they serve. If anyone wants me to prove that the courts and government is a fraud, a scam, and there are many who abuse their powers and authority and cover up their wrong doings contact me... I can be reached at 440-580-4090 Leave a message of your name and number....I am soon to release videos proving that the government covers up situations.... mine is serious to me... maybe minor to others... If they cover up assaults and criminal acts by their own then down play the situation I know worse scenarios like homicides, staged events ... false public records... unreasonable fees and the surety bond schemes connected to all, public official bond, fidelity bonds, performance bonds, fidelity bonds etc... In my experince no one in government is trust worthy. I use to have failth in the government and courts and at one time the police... Now I know better And for the record I dont mind this post being public record but why is it the officials, police and judges want to keep their information private while making everyone elses public. A virtual document will be created and shared allowing those who have interacted with any phase or level of government and the outcomes... be a praise, a concern or criminal behavior by the government and whomever
Name: Mrs Austin Cleveland Resident
Posted: Jun 28, 2024
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Why re -name Cleveland,Ohio health board.
Why re - name Cleveland Ohio Health Board. To end the thefts of spoken voice phone messages to C.R.O's - Clients Rights Officers. A request to council to re name Cleveland, Ohio health board to end the spoken voice theft to phone messages.
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: Jun 24, 2024
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Why take off the adverb RUSH in the Playground title on W74th & Madison Ave. Cleveland, Ohio
Why the adverb RUSH should be taken off the title of the Ortiz Rush Playground in Cleveland, Ohio. The traffic on W.74th Madison Ave. is or was speeding beyond the Capacity of the people. The playground neighborhood can stop being mistaken to be the issues of the Russian Country Lifestyle. The playground is in the American Country of the city of Cleveland Ohio. and should not be mistaken to be Russia. Thank you for Honoring the request to take the adverb RUSH in the Playground. Council 15.
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: Jun 17, 2024
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Dumpster day
We’re suppose to have a dumpster June 17 at west 30th street from 10:00 to 3:00. I loaded my truck to disposed of some debries but no dumpster was available. It’d been nice if we’re told is it was canceled.
Name: I. B.
Posted: Jun 17, 2024
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Why Library Security Should Be Commissioned
The Library is the place where learning begins out side of grade school, high school and traditional college. Our libraries also serve communities from our youth to our elderly offering programs that provide meals during the summer when child hunger is at its highest. The library also provides 211 and belifare safe spaces for homeless teens. The libraries are all publicly accessible and all services are free of cost and are all welcome to come and learn, research, study and become better men and women and future scholars. As we all know, the library security team works hard in the efforts to maintain the safety and order within these spaces. The officers as well as the leadership team are challenged day to day with the same issues that are faced by any other local enforcement team working within our city. Though non commissioned and unarmed they do a remarkable job dealing with maintaining the libraries patron code of conduct as well as working together with men and women of our Cleveland division of Police. The Officers in the library are all state certified security professionals who are also training in CIT response. They assist in handling mental health, vagrancy and low level crime in which they rely on the response of Cleveland police. With the lack of applicants and the low numbers police in Cleveland these library officers are task with responding to calls for service at the branches. The library has 26 branches spread from east to west and cannot run lights and sirens as police officers do. Imagine being able to increase you security forces within your Cleveland public library. Commissioned officers are privileged to a lot more trainings and service techniques that provide a broader scope into dealing with citizens in our city. If the library would have its own officers commissioned the time response to serious matters has now been decreased. This would allow our Cleveland police forces to focused more on streets without being overwhelmed to respond to our libraries. This means the library can handle 70% of its calls for service without taking forces from our streets where the violence has increased significantly. Commissioning the library security staff to me is an awesome idea that will contribute to the relief and sense of security of the community. Knowing where you can go and feel safe is an important factor these days. Also having officers who can meet a threat of deadly force or domestic terrorism is a key element in providing a safe environment for our scholars and those who are the future of our city state and country.
Name: Concerned Citizen
Posted: Jun 15, 2024
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Under age curfew
In our neighborhood Carnegie Ave Nw kiss’s in 12 walk the streets after 1:00am ring doorbells and going through yards s all summer every summer! So tired of it,
Name: Tom
Posted: Jun 8, 2024
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Why the Library Security Guards - Auxiliary / Shouldn't be allowed to have Weapons/Pepper spray on person - in the library.
Why should Council make the library guards not carry Weapons/ Vapes/ Pepper Spray on person - in the library. People fear for their life at the library because of Weapons/ Vapes/ Pepper Spray from Security Guards/Auxiliary., It is a unspoken fear implied from the Security Guards/ Auxiliary that the library is not a safe learning environment for the library members and the security guards are armed and dangerous., ready to Spray./ Injure./ Vaporize. The Library is a environment for learning, the library members should not have to fear Killing/Vaporization/Spray &/or injury because of the Security Guard'/ Auxiliary' Weapons/Vapes/ Pepper Spray. The final thought is a request for the library Security Guards / Auxiliary to stop carrying Weapons/Pepper spray on person in the library. The library members are not allowed to carry weapons, and the Security Guards / Auxiliary should not be allowed to scare the library members away because of Weapons/Vapes/Pepper Spray. The security guards not being allowed to carry weapons/Pepper Spray can create less injuries/ Less Homicides/Less Murders. Thanking the city to make the Library environment a murder less/less Homicidal / injure less environment by way of Weapons, Vapes/Pepper Spray not being allowed in the Library. Council 15.
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: Jun 8, 2024
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Ridiculous amount of speeding in this city including hot rods, motorcycles and illegal dirt bikes!
The area of Chatfield Ave from W150th to Rocky River Drive is being used as a racetrack for sadistic narcissistic morons who fail to realize that it's a neighborhood where people live. Please put stop signs, a roundabout or other traffic calming measure at Chatfield and Greenhill and until then. Please post a police officer with a radar gun to stop this racing down a residential street at all hours of the day and night! The city would make significant revenue from speeding tickets on this one street alone if the police bothered to spend any time here. I understand the safety risk involved in high-speed chases on freeways but it's likely those same offenders speeding on the freeways causing unsafe conditions for all drivers, who are racing around the city streets, so come catch them here and put a stop to this!
Name: Tired of living on a Raceway!
Posted: Jun 7, 2024
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Process for Ramming Thought Self Serving Campaign Finance Increase
Many councilpersons including the Council President (my councilman) continually attack the administration for walk on pieces of legislation that are introduced and passes the same day in Council, however that is EXACTLY what you are doing today with your self serving piece of campaign finance legislation. The process is unacceptable, I do not support it, and the community does not support this hypocritical behavior of this council.
Name: M. McCarthy
Posted: Jun 3, 2024
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Public Schools Tax Increase
(Plain Press June 2024) So now the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) wants to reach deeper into homeowners’ pockets in the form of two tax increases, euphemistically called school “levies,” that hit average Cleveland residents especially hard because it’s clear that wealthy and privileged people are simply not paying their fair share to support our urban public schools. Why are we not talking about decades of lavish property tax abatements for fancy hotels, swank office buildings, billionaire-owned sports franchises and luxury condos and apartments that effectively strip urban public schools of desperately needed revenue increases? Why are we not talking about gargantuan nonprofit land holdings in Cleveland and massive nonprofit endowments delivering huge income streams that are exempt from property and other tax? LETTER Taxpayer provided subsidies and tax abatements for property development like luxury condos and fancy apartments are especially heinous, encouraging powerful, well-connected developers and their well-to-do clients to evade their share of support for urban public schools, while making a financial killing on their property investments. What do the billionaire-owned sports franchises pay in property tax? And what do the heavily subsidized hotels, office buildings and high-rises’ pay? And what about the massive non-profit industrial complex of hospitals and universities sitting on prime land here? Isn’t it time for them to step up along with other property owners and support our urban public schools? Meanwhile, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) and the City of Cleveland engage in mind-numbing austerity talk with respect to the public schools as if it’s somehow a good thing, sounding like sadistic neoliberal business orthodoxy: cut the fat, tighten the belt, trim the deadwood; like this is an inherently healthy process. It’s anything but healthy. It’s deeply toxic. It’s deeply toxic because our kids are going to suffer as a result. As property owners, my wife and I have supported every school tax levy posed to us in the last 50 years, but now on a fixed income, the ever-increasing property valuations, driven up by tax-abated luxury developments and higher ensuing taxes, are getting harder and harder to manage. It’s especially hard because we know full-well that the lion’s share of the tax burden falls on average people, while phantom “trickle-down” tax advantages favor the wealthy, corporations and huge non-profit institutions that do not pay their fair share, while our politicians coddle them because they are big employers or campaign donors. When running for County Executive Chris Ronayne had suggested certain local nonprofits should step up and throw money into a pot to better support and improve community health, a great idea which should logically include support to urban public schools. The fact is our public-school funding mechanism is structurally inadequate, unfair, racist, and deeply corrupted. Isn’t it the right time to call that out publicly and do something about it? My wife and I will of course support the Cleveland school levy, as we always do, because children need a decent education. We will also call out the powerful and privileged who do not pay their fair share. We hope you will too. Because sunlight is said to be a very good disinfectant, especially for moral rot. Arthur Hargate Cleveland
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: Jun 1, 2024
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