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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online


If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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Cleveland does NOT stand with Israel
At this point it's appalling that city council and the mayor are ignoring us. When you make a sweeping, controversial statement, especially when it's about literal genocide, you need to expect pushback. It's weak of you all to just roll your eyes and act like we're the ones out of line when we want our voices heard. I know council already doesn't do anything and doesn't listen to people who don't donate thousands of dollars to campaigns, but at least pretend to listen. Get it together, y'all.
Name: Milo Schumann
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Cleveland Tax Payer Support of Genocide
I do not support the colonial state of Israel. It keeps me up at night that my tax payer dollars are being used to kill children. Do not speak on behalf of the City of Cleveland if you cannot speak for all- and more importantly those being exterminated from their homes.
Name: Will Grimm
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Palestinian Genocide
I am calling that Council President and my ward representative Blaine Griffin rescind his statement of support for Israel and rather denounce the genocide of Palestinians by Israel and US funding. I will never support my tax dollars going to an apartheid state and am appalled by the silence of council on this issue, ignoring the thousands of Palestinians and their allies here in Cleveland. You have the power to support your constituents and yet you don't. You continually threaten to, and in some cases actually, shut down public comment. You have the power of the purse, choosing where to receive money from and where to send money. We will remember who spoke out against a genocide and those who didn't.
Name: D Dickinson
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Supporting Israel while it commits genocide
The mayor and council should have way more important things to worry about in the city of Cleveland than supporting a foreign country that is currently committing genocide on the Palestinian people. Your actions threaten the safety of your own residents that you were voted in to represent. Instead you alienate them and open them up possible harm and ridicule for being Palestinian. You all should be ashamed and turn and immediate corner and support a ceasefire and an end to the killing of innocent people.
Name: Brian
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Palestine/City Council Response
I and 7 other community members made public comment on Monday demanding Mayor Bibb and Council President Griffin to denounce the genocide in Israel. Neither bothered to be present at Council. The response given by Council members after we left was appalling. Councilman Polenesk called to have non-residents barred from speaking. Well I am a resident and I oppose this. When city officials make public statements that affect the lives and safety of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who live and work in the Greater Cleveland area, they have a right to come to Council to make comment. The city government saw fit to send an army of police to Beachwood for a pro-Israel rally on Monday October 9th. Clearly city officials are ok with spending tax dollars for use outside of Cleveland, so to say that non-Clevelanders can't speak at Council is hypocritical. Councilman James derided us for leaving in the middle of session. It is frankly disgusting to suggest that Palestinians should be forced to sit and listen to a public comment where they lie that Hamas beheaded infants, a claim that has been retracted and debunked, in order to sate the decorum of your session. I watched the rest of your session on Youtube. You approved ordinance after ordinance with no discussion unanimously. This is what you insisted we sit through? It has only been a few years since public comment has even been allowed at city council in decades, an unimaginable fact on its own, and now we can see why. It is an undemocratic political machine that pushes back the minute is challenged.
Name: Riley Petro
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Cleveland Elected Representatives are Complicit in the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians
The city of Cleveland and all of its elected representatives, need to make a clear and unambiguous call to an end of the genocide being waged against Palestinians by the terroristic settler-colonial regime of Israel, and an end to the U.S. aid for the state sanctioned massacres by Israel. Despite Palestinian-Americans in Cleveland, who this council represents, being targeted with violent hate crimes while their families in Gaza are killed, their representatives choose to stay silent or to support Israel with their genocidal vision. Their representatives refuse to see their humanity, listen to their voices, or stand up for who they claim to represent due to their own self-serving interests or lack of courage and compassion. Instead of unequivocally calling for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the genocide against Palestinians, an end to Israeli colonial occupation of Palestine, representatives only show support for Israel’s efforts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. By continuing to support or stay silent about Israel’s terror, Cleveland’s representatives fail not only their constituents, but as well as their own humanities. We hold you responsible to act against ongoing warcrimes now. The U.S. and the city of Cleveland is complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Name: Ajdin Kulić
Posted: Oct 25, 2023
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Gaza Genocide
I am ashamed that our city leaders will not condemn Israel and the atrocities that they have inflicted on the Palestinian people. You know that this is not a war. This is a genocide. I am disgusted with our country and Cleveland. We will continue to fight for the freedom of Palestinians with or without you. But we don’t forget who stood on the wrong side of history. You have blood on your hands.
Name: Krista Shingary
Posted: Oct 24, 2023
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City Council
I went to City Council yesterday for the open comment, just wanted to bring up the disrespect I noticed from the people we rely on to represent us. Other than the supporting of the genocide going on, as all the Palestinian supporters were speaking, council was having side conversations, rolling their eyes and sleeping, but they wanted the respect that they were not willing to show. People are getting killed not just overseas but here in America because all of the hate that's being spread. All these council members care about is lining their pockets. Disgusting. Do better.
Name: MK
Posted: Oct 24, 2023
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Israeli Occupation of Palestine & American Funding
It is absolutely abhorrent to watch this country and its state and city representatives make political pacts and accept funding handouts from an occupying, genocidal, authoritarian, barbaric government in Israel which has publicly commented on their intentions to “kill all” of the Palestinian “animals”, and it is even worse watching US news and government officials attempt to paint support for Palestine as inherently violent - when it is, in fact, the US funding violence, encouraging the massacre of babies and children and civilians, condoning the bombing of cries, vetoing the UN’s proposed ceasefire agreement, denying aid to a dying and oppressed ethnic population which has historically been ruled by invasive fascist elements - being against genocide is not anti-semitism or pro-terrorism. Denying Palestinians the right to their own land, food, water, internet, electricity, military forces, humanitarian and medical aid, and actively pursuing the destruction of said people, is anti-Semitic. America is eating out of the hand of Israel, and now the whole world knows. As a citizen I will not promote or vote for any Israeli-funded candidate. I will not speak of other good things any of you may have done. You are funding a mass extermination of these people. You are backing Nazis. You are paying for genocide. And we are done playing your political party games. We are done being spoon fed half truths at best and blatant lies at worst. This next generation will lead better. I wouldn’t count on the public’s support in lieu of these events. We are supposed to stand for free speech and the right to protest in this country. We have watched every major news outlet conflate truth and lies for decades. We have watched police beat peaceful protesters and charge them with domestic terrorism for peace-promoting actions. America’s freedoms are a joke. You claim to uphold the values of our country, yet you do everything in your power to suppress true freedom while espousing corruption and *actual* terrorism.
Name: Kaitlynn Hanslik
Posted: Oct 24, 2023
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I do not support the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Just based on the human rights offenses and war crimes alone, there is no way the City of Cleveland should be in support of this.
Name: M L
Posted: Oct 23, 2023
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