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Statement of Councilwoman Maurer on latest lead poisoning data in the City of Cleveland

Oct 11, 2024

Today, the City of Cleveland released troubling data on lead poisoning rates in Cleveland, revealing that 11 children tested positive for high lead levels in homes that had received lead-safe certificates. The Mayor’s office released a statement outlining their plans in response to this troubling news. 

Councilwoman Maurer who co-chairs the Lead Safe Advisory Board, is releasing the attached statement in response. 

“It is our moral obligation as a city to protect our kids from lead poisoning. We must work together to realize the dream of the 2019 lead-safe housing law,” said Maurer.

A public hearing on lead safety is scheduled for Monday, October 14th, at 9:30 AM, where the Health Department will present the full data brief. 

Councilwoman Maurer encourages community members and media to attend. 

For further details, please see the attached statement.

Contact Councilwoman Maurer at 216-664-4233