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Proposed Ordinance 282-2022 before the Council Committee on Development, Planning and Sustainability, for the Public Hearing April 26, 2022
TO: The Council Committee on Development, Planning and Sustainablity RE: Proposed Ordinance 282-2022, Public Hearing April 26, 2022 Dear Mr. Hairston and Ms. Santana, I am writing regarding proposed Ordinance 282-2022 which comes before the City Council Committee on Development, Planning and Sustainability on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 9:30 am. As my wife is immunocompromised, due to the risks of contracting COVID-19 myself and putting her in danger, I am unable to attend in person but will watch the live broadcast. Although this meeting is a “Public Hearing” it is not clear if and how public comment will be heard. Because my wife Joan Hargate is a property owner who may be directly affected by the zoning proposed in this ordinance, I ask that this email letter and its inline attachment be made a part of the administrative record for this hearing. The method to do that is not clear either, so if there is a different and official way to do that, please let me know. Procedurally I find it unfortunate that these proposed zoning changes apparently went through the City Planning process without the public or potentially affected property owners being given an opportunity to weigh in. Property owners on Edgehill Rd. are directly impacted and knew nothing of this proposed change in zoning across the street from them until we received the notice of this hearing in your committee from City Council on April 15, 2022. I conveyed my thoughts on this notice and the its lack of transparency in an email to Ms. Patricia Britt, Clerk of Council, dated April 21, 2022. A copy of that email is included in the body of this email and I would like it included in the administrative record. Because I am no expert on zoning in Cleveland and the notice from Council on Ordinance 282-2022 was virtually unintelligible to me and my neighbors, I sought an explanation from City Council and the Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation (LIRC), our Community Development Corporation. The information that I was provided by both City Council and LIRC was a general overview of the need for the legislation, which was that Nottingham Spirk intended to use the MacGregor site for office space and needed the rezoning to do that. Further, it was explained that a Multi-Family zoning classification was needed to be consistent with the portion of the MacGregor parcel that sits in Cleveland Heights. I asked for a detailed explanation of the actual zoning changes compared to the existing zoning, but that information was not provided. As such, I sought advice from an architect I know so I could understand the zoning changes and potential implications. Again, I am a layperson who has virtually no understanding of these matters, so if I have misunderstood any of what is proposed I offer my apology with the hope that these matters will be made crystal clear in plain English at your Public Hearing on April 26. If the underlying need for these zoning changes is as it was conveyed to me, the proposed zoning changes appear to go well beyond what would reasonably be necessary to facilitate that need, in my opinion. First, the zoning for the MacGregor site and an adjacent parcel on Overlook is proposed to be Multi-Family with a 60’ foot height limitation, a 25’ or over 70% increase in what the zoning allows today. It would be important to know why such a zoning classification is needed for office space. It seems inappropriate, unless the zoning is needed for a much larger development project being contemplated. If such a project is being contemplated, the public should be made aware of that. As well, 60’ foot structures being built on these parcels intended to be rezoned on the east side of Overlook would be unreasonably imposing, given the structures currently on those parcels. Secondly, the zoning for the parcel directly across the street from our house and the Edgehill Townhomes is proposed to be changed from Residential-Attached (Townhouse) to a far less restrictive Residential-Industrial. This parcel is nowhere near the MacGregor site, and this proposed change is entirely inconsistent with the present uses along Edgehill Rd. Some of the industrial uses allowed under this proposed zoning classification are absurdly inappropriate, likely a function of the antiquated zoning code, nonetheless the property owners on Edgehill will be significantly disenfranchised and the neighborhood compromised if industrial uses were permitted in this strictly residential setting that contains Townhouses that are attached. Boiled down, these are my main concerns. The rezoning process and procedure fail to engage the affected public in a meaningful way early in the process. The process does not make clear how the affected public can participate. The proposed zoning in Ordinance 282-2022 goes well beyond what appears to be needed to accomplish the intended purpose as City Council and the LIRC have explained it and the proposed zoning negatively impacts property owners on Edgehill Rd. I ask that you and your committee take these comments into consideration in your deliberations on Tuesday, and I look forward to better understanding how the affected property owners can engage with City Council on this important legislation. Thank you, Arthur Hargate on behalf of property owner Joan Hargate 2327 Edgehill Rd., Cleveland Ward 6 Email to Patrica Britt: From: Arthur Hargate <> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 2:42 PM To: Patricia J. Britt <> Cc: Blaine Griffin <>; Raymond Kristosik <>; Anthony Hairston <>; Jasmin Santana <>; Subject: Proposed Legislation: Edgehill Zoning Changes Dear Ms. Britt, We received the attached letter from the City regarding proposed zoning changes across the street from us on Edgehill Road in Little Italy last Friday. The letter itself is in my estimation cryptic and difficult to understand. I was able to download the proposed legislation, and as I am not an expert on zoning, it didn’t turn out to be too much help and was more confusing than illuminating. My neighbors on Edgehill Rd. are equally perplexed by the content of the attached letter they received from the City. Incredibly, the Community Development Corporation where we live, the Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation,) was unaware of this mailing or the proposed legislation. I am writing to express my concern that the communication with the community on this matter and matters like this could be clearer and more explanatory. Without spending considerable time researching this, and taking up the time of Councilpersons, it would be impossible to understand what is going on. Not everyone has the time to do that research or to break away in the morning of a weekday to attend a meeting virtually or in person. Many people are at work, and many people do not have all the skills or computer equipment available to them to do the Internet research to accumulate the background and understanding, if it is even available, much less attend a meeting virtually. Further, I don't think it's fair for residents who may be impacted by legislation like this to go into a public hearing with so little information to find out what is being contemplated for their neighborhood and react to it in real time without thoughtful consideration. Being a public hearing as opposed to a public meeting implies a legal significance that requires a high degree of diligence to its preparation. The very last thing that should happen is for a process like this to be less than conscientious or rushed in any way. The public has a right to a thorough, complete and deliberative evaluation of what is being proposed that could directly affect the quality of life in their neighborhood. In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, when a notice like this goes out it would be ideal if the information leading up to the action or meeting was provided to the potentially affected community, including an understanding of those individuals who are asking for this legislation and why. What is the legislation's purpose? What exactly do these zoning changes accomplish? What needs justify the expansive scope of this proposed zoning change? I’m sure there is substantial background information that precipitated the legislation, as it was originally introduced almost a month ago, and the public has a right to understand that information well before they are expected to react to or opine on it in an official proceeding of the City. That is what I believe true public engagement entails: proactively and thoroughly informing people early in processes so they can fully participate in development and favorable outcomes in their neighborhoods. I have requested additional information from Councilperson Griffin, and if at all possible and before the meeting on Tuesday, April 26, I ask that you consider if more detailed information can be provided on this legislation with a full explanation in plain English as to what the differences in the zoning proposed are, why they are being requested, what justifies the scope of the zoning, who wrote the legislation and who requested that it be written. Thank you, Arthur Hargate 2327 Edgehill Rd., Ward 6
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: Apr 25, 2022
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Trash along roads and interstates around the city and surrounding communities
I am making a simple comment to reach out to the City of Cleveland and surrounding communities. I am a little concerned about the amount of trash along our roads and freeways and if there is anything we can do to resolve this issue before the shredders (grass cutting equipment )come out in Spring to totally multiply the trash and plastic bags polluting our medians and grassy areas along our highways. My personal opinion but I believe it s shared by many. Thanks for listening.
Name: Robert
Posted: Apr 22, 2022
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State of the city address
Fuck you youre bullshit. Why in one of the most impoverished neighborhoods N Collinwood is the only grocery store with healthy food Daves Supermarket closing. Seriously where are our people gonna go now but to a gas station? I call shinanigans
Name: Harold j deboe
Posted: Apr 21, 2022
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Existing Black Women Commission and Women Commission registerd name with the State of name and services
The City of Cleveland consideration of proper name for their pending newly found committe for Black Women. The Commission is taken and registered with the State of Ohio. Its proper to respect the name 9fvan already ecisting irganization, to do otherwise is politically disrespectful and a slippery slope of deceptive practice
Name: Kimberly F Brown
Posted: Apr 20, 2022
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City Land Bank Disposition Policy
These are the comments, with links to resources, that I made at City Council on April 4, 2022: Cleveland City Council Public Comment, April 4, 2022 Land Bank Disposition Policy Contact Info: Marge Misak 216-299-1641 Good evening. My name is Marge Misak. I’ve lived in the City of Cleveland for more than 30 years, and I directed the first community land trust here. In my current work, I provide technical assistance to the Franklin County Land Bank in Columbus as they develop a countywide community land trust. I’m here tonight to talk about what happens to land in our city, specifically, land that the city currently owns in the land bank. As council members, you are often asked to weigh in on decisions about land bank parcels. And Mayor Bibb has the intention of creating a Vacant Land Task Force to identify opportunities to – quote – “market, sell, and develop city-owned vacant lots throughout Cleveland.” I would like to suggest that, before creating a more efficient system for selling land bank lots, it’s critical that the city create an equitable policy. Such a policy would shine a light on our vision for an equitable future for all residents, especially those who are homeless or unaffordably housed. What might that take? First, know our history. We could look to Evanston, Illinois’ discrimination study that made the case for their reparations program for a good example of a historic look. Closer to home, the impact of foreclosures and abandonment have been well documented by the Vacant and Abandoned Property Action Council (VAPAC). Daniel Kerr’s book, Derelict Paradise, documents a longer history in Cleveland of urban development policies that led to displacement and homelessness. Then, what might an equitable land bank policy include? I’d like to suggest three good ideas and some places that have put them into practice: 1. First: Transition from a focus on ‘highest and best use’ to establishing criteria that prioritize neighborhoods and residents impacted by long term disinvestment and displacement. The Albany County Land Bank in New York did exactly that and has a good example of a process with those priorities. 2. Second: Prioritize land for permanently affordable housing development to address the critical shortage in the City of Cleveland, where it’s estimated that 9300 homeowners and more than 26,000 renters pay more than half their income on housing. The Atlanta Land Bank’s policies and procedures establish that priority and have followed it up – and tested it out in court – with an agreement with the Atlanta Land Trust. 3. And finally: Create a path to permanency for green space initiatives in the City of Cleveland, whether it’s for community gardens or community gathering spaces. Look to green space land trusts like those in Baltimore or Chicago for good examples. Thank you for your time and attention. I’d be happy to follow up on these issues. Resources Evanston Policies and Practices Directly Affecting the African American Community, 1900 - 1960 (and Present), 2019, Derelict Paradise: Homelessness and Urban Development in Cleveland, Ohio, by Daniel R. Kerr, 2011, Albany County Land Bank Corporation, Disposition of Real and Personal Property Policy, Metro Atlanta Land Bank, Policies and Procedures, and Atlanta Land Trust, Baltimore: Preserving Community-Managed Open Spaces, Baltimore GreenSpace, Chicago: NeighborSpace, Land Banks and Community Land Trusts: Partnering to Provide Equitable Housing Opportunities Now and for Future Generations, Kim Graziani, Center for Community Progress, 2021,
Name: Marge Misak
Posted: Apr 6, 2022
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Fare Evasion Decriminalization
In 2020, City Council voted to declare racism a public health crisis. I want to bring to City Council's attention that the way our city handles fare evasion right now is an example of the systemic racism that we need to work against, as it disproportionally impacts black and brown residents. Arrests, fines, and jailtime are not the answer. Dropping fare evasion as a criminal offense is one big step towards addressing the crisis of racism in our city.
Name: Michael Harney
Posted: Apr 4, 2022
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Arts Funding 2%
The arts have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. The perception of the importance of our work has diminished significantly. The arts are an essential part of many different aspects of living, and not the non-essential businesses we have come so dangerously close to becoming. We have 16 different artists studios in Tower Press, the center of the Superior arts district. As a group, we still have not had the motivation to meet and begin scheduling our annual calendar of studio tours and exhibitions. In the past, Tower Press artists have been leaders, with the Campus District, and Downtown Cleveland Alliance, and others to insure the growth of the Superior Arts District! Please demonstrate your commitment to the arts by approving this small percentage of Covid relief funds to Cleveland's still struggling arts scene.
Name: Dan Morgan
Posted: Mar 25, 2022
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Funding for the Arts in Cleveland
Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes a city more interesting than a healthy and happy arts community. Please consider the arts as a vital city asset just as you would sports, parks, or development companies. We need all the help we can get out here in order to keep this city's heart beating in a positive and educational way. Art saves lives. Barbara Merritt Owner 818 Studio Gallery in Tremont
Name: Barbara Merritt
Posted: Mar 25, 2022
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Noise disturbance
The establishments on West 25th Street are extremely loud. In particular Market Garden Brewery. They turn their outdoor speakers on at night and blast loud music. This is disturbing to those of us who live in the area. I can hear this even if my doors and windows are closed. I can even hear it above other noise in my own place. It also disturbs my sleep at night. I was told by Heather (manager) that the owners are the ones who demand the outdoor speakers be turned on and up so loud. This needs addressed! This is not only an area of business, but real people live here.
Name: Natasha
Posted: Mar 19, 2022
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Potholes, Dumping, Street Crossing (Its not safe)
I am a resident of the Collinwood/Nottingham area. The street that is problematic is East 166th Street off of St. Clair. Despite the threat of being watched, dumping has begun again on this street. The street is also riddled with potholes. I am a frequent rider of the RTA Paratransit. They are routed to that street by their GPS; traveling down that street results in hard bumping for the passengers. I had suffered aggravation in my shoulder and back area from such rugged riding . Pain is costly; trying to relieve the discomfort cost me almost $50. I am a person dealing with a disability and is on a fixed income and an expense like this is a hard hit. There is sidewalk safety for me as a person who uses a mobility aid. The sidewalk near the beginning of the northbound side of the street makes it necessary to take the dangerous option of walking in the street. Using public transportation is a hazardous task if the need is to go in the westbound direction. there is no safe way to cross the street. Between the areas of Holmes/London and St. Clair and the next light at Hannah Gibbons School, is treated as a free for all roadway. Pedestrians find it hard to cross the street and impossible for someone who is disabled. There is option to access the other side of the street due to there only being sidewalks that you have to step down. Taking the chance that traffic will chivalrous is a dice game. There should be a a crossing area equipped with a caution light for crossing pedestrians in my opinion. Ever since the traffic lights have been removed, St. Clair has become almost impossible to cross. I am probably not the only resident to have this opinion but they may be capable of walking unaided, I am not. There are three to four passengers who only option is to use the Paratransit service provided by RTA or ride share services.
Name: Felicia Little
Posted: Mar 7, 2022
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