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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.) If you need assistance, language or disability, go here to make a request (at least 3 days in advance.) 

Make a Comment in Person

Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online

If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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Empty buildings
Can they be used to House homeless people
Name: Raymond bolden
Posted: Feb 10, 2024
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Public Comment
I recently saw an interview by Council President Blaine Griffin in which he claimed he could restrict the topic of public comment so that no one would be able to bring up the topic of a Ceasefire Resolution or ban public comment altogether. Given this council just voted on new rules for public comment I would have thought the Council President would be familiar with the rules, but since he's not let me share a few lines: "The presiding officer's enforcement of these Rules and Procedures shall be viewpoint neutral." "The Council applies these Rules and Procedures to all speakers and does not discriminate based on the identity of the speaker, content of the speech, or viewpoint of the speaker." There is also nothing written rule stating council can unilaterally suspend public comment. Given that City Council is already facing a lawsuit for violating the First Amendment during public comment, attempting to once again do so by either barring the public by speaking on certain topics or removing public comment altogether when there is no power granted for them to do so would seem to be ill advised.
Name: Riley Petro
Posted: Feb 7, 2024
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Ceasefire Resolution
After the 9-11 massacre, no person or organization pressured President George Bush to cease fire on the terrorists of Al Qaeda. Israel should NOT be pressured to cease firing on terrorists who slaughtered grandmothers, raped mothers, and decapitated babies in their cribs. How vile and disgusting to pressure Israel to walk away from a terrorist massacre just like the one on 9-11! It is ludicrous that the citizens of Cleveland cannot distinguish right from wrong. I have lived in Shaker Heights for only one year. This past December I put up a large Hanukkah menorah light in my front yard. On only the second day I went to light this electric menorah, I discovered a criminal had cut the power cord to my light display! I have barely lived in this town for even a short time yet I have already been on the receiving end of anti-semitic hate crimes! How disgusting that I have to endure the destruction of my private property! Think of the Israelis who saw the lives of their loved ones cut short! Raping women is WRONG! Slaughtering grandmothers is WRONG! Decapitating babies in their cribs is WRONG! LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG PEOPLE OF CLEVELAND! STOP DESTROYING MY PRIVATE PROPERTY! STOP RATIONALIZING THE INSANE VIOLENCE OF TERRORISTS!
Name: Dr. Cynthia Cohen
Posted: Feb 6, 2024
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I have been trying and trying and trying to get someone to listen to get repairs to the street infront of my house repaired, the plow trucks ended up plowing a big piece of street, and the hole is starting to get bigger, when it rains it just starts flooding. Seems no on listens or is concerned about doing anything On top of the, the street farther down and next street over got repaved, not our street, all they do is patch work which constantly crumbles apart This street NEEDS TO BE REPAVED - WHAT ARE MY CITY TAXES GOING TO THEN IF NORMAL WEAR AND REPAIR CAN'T BE HANDLED
Posted: Feb 5, 2024
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Residents First Ordinance
This proposition is only going to make affordability for renters less achievable. The idea of added costs will simply be padded into rents, inflating rent beyond where it currently sits. The City of Cleveland also needs to strongly reconsider mandatory interior point of sale inspections. This is a slippery slope that is not only invasive, but unfair to those that are renters, taking away their ability to live without the notion of city officials coming in at any time. I firmly stand behind the notion that exterior-only inspections for ALL residents, on a structured schedule, is the best manner in which to keep the City up to par, and maintain a strong relationship in the community while keeping neighborhoods beautiful.
Name: Cassie
Posted: Feb 2, 2024
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City Councilman Michael Polensek Racist Hate Speech
You all should be ashamed for your utter lack of humanity. How absurd are you to still repeat proven lies to perpetuate zionist rhetoric. Just remember that when he said "the Palestinian-Hamas community", that's actually plausible incitement of genocide. I'll be forwarding that information to the ICC.
Name: Sarah M
Posted: Jan 31, 2024
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The North Collinwood Recreational indoor pool
Our neighbors of all ages need that pool. For exercise and for rehabilitated. This should be a priority for the urban community. Our community needs our pools. Please fix the Pool at the North Collinwood Recreation Center. Please
Name: Sage
Posted: Jan 31, 2024
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Sex trafficking kids
I’ve been trying to get in for weeks now over six weeks and can’t get in because the Palestinians keep taking up all of the conversations topic time something needs to be done this needs to be shut down it’s for the citizens of Cleveland Ohio
Name: Marquona D Tippens
Posted: Jan 31, 2024
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Michael Polensek’s Uneducated Comments
Your uneducated comments and opinions are circling the internet. Polensek is someone who doesn’t have respect for his constituents nor the world as a whole. His words “disgust” me (as he has so eloquently stated openly). I condemn the violent acts on innocent Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (which Hamas is not in but they are being murdered just the same). I condemn the lies that are being perpetually spread in Western Media to “justify” an occupation that’s creating tens of thousands of casualties. I condemn a politician refusing to see the humanitarian crisis happening within a 25 mile stretch of land. I condemn a resolution that does not include a permanent ceasefire and freedom to rebuild what was destroyed/create a better life. I condemn racism and Islamophobia. What you do not comprehend, Polensek, is that we set out to continually educate ourselves. I see what’s happening on the ground in Gaza- do you see it??? It seems there should be repercussions for your vile words, sir.
Name: Stephanie
Posted: Jan 30, 2024
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Ceasefire resolution
Hi, I just saw a viral video of a constituent ask those that condemn the killing of civilian men women and children in Gaza to stand. Not a single council person stood up. What is wrong with you all? Do you know how disgusting and inhuman you look? Shame on you. The way you are all getting dragged on social right now is absolutely deserved. Thankfully the internet is forever and no one will forget that you were on the wrong side of history on this day or on election day. Johanna Staral
Name: Johanna Staral
Posted: Jan 25, 2024
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