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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures. (Public Comment will restart for the Sept. 9th Council Meeting.)

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.)

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online


If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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REPRISE: Wrongly Banned at Galleria/Erieview Tower
I don't use internet that often. However, out of town protestors are distracting City Hall. I'm going to briefly restate my Public Comment from Oct. 16. My goal is to become a household name with all members of City Council. Eight years ago, Galleria Security told me that I was banned for life from entering the Galleria/Erieview Tower/YMCA complex. Galleria Security wrongly accused me of masturbating in the restrooms-something I did not do. I am a victim of rumors and corporate conspiracy. I am writing monthly letters to James Kassouf, who owns the Erieview Tower. 'Revitalizing the Erieview Tower' is currently going through City Council, so it's important for council members to know about the controversial procedures at the Erieview Tower, owned by James Kassouf. Once again, I am wrongly banned at the Galleria/Erieview Tower/YMCA complex. I previously spoke on Oct. 16 about this. I am a 49 year old man.
Name: Stephen Katanovic
Posted: Nov 13, 2023
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Stand against genocide in Gaza
City council and the mayor's office has a duty to respond to the voices of its citizens calling daily for an end to the genocide in Gaza. We refuse to let you use public dollars to fuel mass murder in our names. I ask city council and the mayor's office to publicly condemn the genocidal actions of the Israeli state, to call for an immediate ceasefire, and to refuse to fund Israel's "war." The loss of human life---10,000 human lives lost and growing---is not a partisan issue. If you cannot make a firm stand against blatant moral wrongs for fear of political unpopularity, if you actively oppose a ceasefire in Gaza knowing you are enshrining the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians not dissimilar to your own constituents, you have no business holding public office, and I call on you to step down.
Name: Claire
Posted: Nov 10, 2023
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Stop funding the genocide in Gaza. Max Miller needs to be held responsible for his comment on “turning Gaza into a parking lot.” Citizens of Cleveland DO NOT stand with Israel…do your job…and REPRESENT us. Would it be okay to bomb a school if a school shooter was hiding there? No. Do better “representatives”. Our tax dollars should be used to aid homeless people, student loans, and healthcare. Instead, America sends our money to Israel so they can continue to commit war crimes. It’s sickening to see our so-called “representatives” support a genocide in 2023.
Name: Dalia Al-Kolak
Posted: Nov 9, 2023
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I continue to be appalled at how quickly the mayor and council president threw out their support for israel following the events of october 7th but have NOTHING to say about the now over ten thousand dead palestinian civilians who are casualties of the aggression statements like theirs spurred on. you cannot speak for the people of cleveland in such matter when the people of cleveland are organizing for a ceasefire and you cannot claim to value democracy when you ignore them at every turn. End the siege on gaza now and free palestine.
Name: Elizabeth Murphy
Posted: Nov 9, 2023
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The killing of children is being done with tax paying money. Without any consent, yet there is not a lot being done about the oil spill in the water. Our water was discolored for so long already and you have failed to fix our water system. Yet are sending all this billions for a war that has nothing to do with USA. .
Name: Debbie
Posted: Nov 9, 2023
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I condemn the disgusting, racist and violent statements made by Max Miller on “turning Gaza into a parking lot”. I demand his immediate removal. He is endangering the lives of Arabs and specifically Palestinians. I condemn the bombardment on Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire now.
Name: Noor Hamed
Posted: Nov 8, 2023
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Palestine 🇵🇸
Stop funding the genocide in Gaza.
Name: Kane Tolinski
Posted: Nov 8, 2023
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Genocide in Gaza
Stop the genocide in Gaza. Innocent children are dying, suffering, cold, hungry. Have a heart! Not everyone is involved with Hamas. Stop funding Israel, Netanyahu is sick.
Name: Esther
Posted: Nov 8, 2023
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City Divestment from Israel and a Ceasefire in Palestine
Adopt the resolution presented by Mr. Damaska to council at public comment on October 30th. Hundreds of people packed city hall to attendances never seen in decades, and gave the resolution a standing ovation. Listen to your constituents.
Name: Julia OMahoney
Posted: Nov 8, 2023
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Mayor Bibbs support of apartheid Israel and the genocide of the Palestinian people is extremely disappointing. I expect better from our city’s elected officials.
Name: Kim K
Posted: Nov 8, 2023
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