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Councilman Polensek Calling on City to Donate Supplies to Ukraine

Apr 04, 2022

Cleveland (April 4, 2022) – Councilman Mike Polensek, chair of Council’s Safety Committee, has put in a formal request to the Mayor of Cleveland to find life-saving equipment such as ballistic vests and helmets and any other protective gear that could be donated to the Ukrainians.

Councilman Polensek said the “innocent slaughter of men, women and children by the war criminal Putin” necessitated the donations. He noted that other cities nearby and around the country are donating equipment.

Councilman Polensek said he would coordinate with the Ukrainian community to have any items picked up and shipped overseas.

“We all need to do everything we can to help the people of Ukraine,” Councilman Polensek said. “Time is of the essence. These are innocent victims in a country that was attacked for no reason by a war criminal.”

Councilman Polensek’s letter to the Mayor is attached.