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Council Meeting Highlights, Council on Summer Recess

Jun 05, 2023

Cleveland (June 5, 2023) - City Council held its last regular meeting before it goes into the summer recess schedule. Here are tonight’s highlights:

Community Benefits Agreements: Council approved a codified ordinance to establish a floor for what benefits developers provide for Cleveland – apprenticeship, internship and mentor-protégé programs, community meetings, neighborhood improvements, minority business enterprise, female business enterprise, Cleveland area small business, and resident hiring goals - when they seek city financial assistance.

CBA’s will start when the city’s assistance is at least $250,000. Starting at this level all projects will be required to establish a plan to meet minority business enterprise, female business enterprise and Cleveland area small business goals, as well as resident and low-income resident employment goals.

For large development projects of more than $20 million, developers will work from a “menu” of additional community benefits they can provide or establish, as well as provide other benefits based on community input.

Council members have been working on this important piece of legislation for nearly a year, and held public meetings as well as several committee hearings on the legislation, bringing in developers, corporate and business leaders, labor officials and others to discuss the ordinance. While the legislation has passed, implementation and establishing a Memorandum of Understanding will take additional work.  Ord. No. 297-2023

New Affordable Homes from Habitat for Humanity  - Council approved providing $5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity. Council’s grant will enable Habitat to leverage an additional $27 million to meet their five-year plan to build, renovate or repair 400 homes in Cleveland and increase homeownership access to residents of Cleveland.  

Habitat’s aim is on alleviating the cost of homeownership, and its partner families live in households with low-to-moderate income (30-80 percent of the area median income). Habitat homes are sold with a zero percent interest mortgage, and in lieu of a down payment, Habitat homebuyers contribute 200-300 volunteer hours. 

Council’s funding will help with Habitat’s plans to build 50 new homes in various neighborhoods as infill homes – filling in homes on empty lots on a street as well as help the organizations to purchase its building, which currently houses its administrative offices and Cleveland ReStore location.

E. 4th Street Outdoor Refreshment Area Approved: Council approved the creation of a "Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area," where alcoholic drinks would be allowed outside of the restaurants in "open containers" allowing customers to walk around East 4th. The DORA would be the first one in Cleveland. Ohio lawmakers adopted legislation that basically says that, while in a DORA, you are exempt from the Open Container law.  

Council had earlier approved the use of a surplus of $1.4 million in tax increment financing towards the redevelopment project on the street, with the developer funding any additional costs.  The fences and barriers along E. 4th street will be removed to create open seating, with special landscaping and greenery to separate the patio spaces. A pocket park, public art and updated lighting will be added and the valet area will be moved. Ord. No. 404-2023

HOME-American Rescue Plan Act Funding for New Developments:  Council approved using $49.45 million, including funding from the HOME-ARPA funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, for projects across the city, including senior housing, apartments, affordable and supportive housing. Ord. No. 671-2023

Upgrading Street Parking Meters: Council approved allowing the city to contract to implement on-street parking meter enhancements, including but not limited to, installation, repair, maintenance, collection, and other related services, for a period of three years. The new "smart" meters will allow customers to pay in multiple ways, not just with coins. (Council held an associated piece that raised the rates of parking lots and meters across the city.)  Ord. No. 592-2023

Growing the Local Workforce: Council approved the city to enter into one or more contracts with various entities and individuals to implement a citywide program designed to grow local workforce pipelines in key industries – specifically with respect to training historically underrepresented and marginalized workers. Organizations the city will partner with include - ACE Mentor Program of Cleveland, Cleveland Builds, Inc., Neighborhood Progress, Inc. dba Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Contractor Assistance Association, Cuyahoga Community College, Greater Cleveland Partnership, Hard Hatted Women, Ohio Means Jobs Cleveland – Cuyahoga County, Rid-All Foundation, Inc., Spanish American Committee for a Better Community, Towards Employment, Incorporated, United Labor Agency, Inc., Urban League of Greater Cleveland, Inc., Youth Opportunities Unlimited and others. Ord. No. 672-2023

Subverting the Will of Ohioans: Council approved a resolution strongly opposing State Issue 1 which, if passed at the August 8th special election, would require a 60% supermajority of Ohio voters to amend the state’s constitution, thereby making it more difficult to amend the state constitution. Since 1912, Ohio law has called for a simple majority of 50% plus one vote to pass an amendment to the Ohio constitution. This effort to sneak past voters dilutes the political power of Ohioans and subverts the will of the people of Ohio. Res. No. 714 -2023