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Council Meeting Highlights

Feb 10, 2025

City Council held its regular meeting tonight, both in person in Council Chambers and live streamed. The next Council meeting is Feb. 24. There is no meeting on President's Day, Feb. 17th. Here are today’s highlights.

Former MLK Jr. High School to be Repurposed: Council authorized the City to acquire the Martin Luther King, Jr. High School property located at 1651 East 71st Street in the Hough neighborhood for future redevelopment and then sell the property to Structures Unlimited, LLC.  Three proposals were received for the Martin Luther King, Jr. High School site. Structures Unlimited, LLC. offered the full-appraised price of  $880,000 to CMSD. Structures Unlimited is planning to renovate the property for a mixed-use development with affordable and market-rate housing, apartments, and townhomes, as well as a charter school. Structures Unlimited, LLC is a real estate development firm from Greenbelt Maryland. Ord. No. 1116-2025

Hopkins Airport Construction: Council authorized the extension to Taxiway Victor, as well as drainage, lighting, and grading around the new pavement as it connects to the existing taxiway system. The Wildlife Fence will also be completely replaced with approximately 51,000 feet of fencing to meet FAA design criteria for wildlife fencing, including fence skirting to keep wildlife from burrowing under the fence. Gates and mechanical devices will be replaced. In addition, upgrading safety and security components are included in the project including but not limited to allowing the detection of perimeter breaches and strengthening potentially vulnerable locations. (The current fence is more than 30 years old.)  The total cost is approximately $29,673,548, and the plans are subject to approval by the Federal Aviation Administration. (Funding is supplied by the airlines.) The legislation is amending an earlier ordinance 1365-2023, Ord. No. 121-2025

McCafferty Health Clinic to be Transformed into Affordable Senior Housing: Council approved transferring property located at 4242 Lorain Avenue (McCafferty Health Center) from the Health Department to the Department of Community Development or Economic Development which will then sell or lease the property to Pennrose Holdings for future redevelopment. The city will enter into a development agreement with  Pennrose Holdings. Pennrose plans to create high-quality affordable housing for seniors. A 72-unit building is planned. Ord. No. 42-2025


Legislation was introduced to amend the city of Cleveland's tobacco laws, including illegal distribution. Separate legislation was introduced requiring tobacco retail licensing. Other legislation was introduced about window advertising of tobacco. And finally, legislation was introduced that would enact zoning requirements for "smoke shops", including prohibiting some locations, such as near churches, schools, libraries, and parks. The legislation would also require a certain amount of space between smoke shops. Ord. Nos 186, 187, 188, 189-2025 

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