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Council Meeting Highlights

Oct 23, 2023

Cleveland (Oct. 23, 2023) - City Council held its regular meeting tonight, both in person in Council Chambers and live streamed. The next meeting is Monday, Oct. 30th. Here are today’s highlights:

Calgary Park Renovations: Council authorized the city to apply for and accept a grant in the amount of $500,000, and any other funds that may become available from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to conduct the Calgary Park Renovation Project Program. The city, has $500,000 on hand from 2022 and 2023 General Obligation Bond Sales to complete the renovations of the park in Brooklyn Centre and will so whether or not LWCF grant funding is awarded. Ord. No. 1083-2023

Apartment 92-The Apollo Project Moves Forward: Council approved a 30-year tax increment financing project towards creating a mixed use development project located at 1250 Riverbed Street. The developer will make payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) equal to the taxes the school district would have received but for the TIF. The TIF will support debt service related to the project as an incentive to partially offset additional development costs to convert the former industrial building on the west bank of the Flats to a “mixed-use development project.” The Apollo will include approximately 70 apartments and 2,741 sq. ft. of commercial / office space. Total project cost are estimated at $17,958,489. The building, vacant for over a decade, was originally built in 1887, with additions added later.  The building sits along the Cuyahoga River, with unique views of downtown, and is adjacent to Superior Viaduct, Jacobs Pavilion & Heritage Park II. Ord. No. 1091-2023.

KISS Day in Cleveland: Councilman Brian Kazy sponsored a resolution, passed by Council, that “this Council declares October 22, 2023, as KISS Day in the City of Cleveland to celebrate the rock band’s 50th year of making music and touring.” KISS first performed in Cleveland on April 1st, 1974 at the Agora Arena, and have performed in the greater Cleveland area more than 28 times with other notable dates being June 21, 1975 at the iconic Cleveland Music Hall and January 8th, 1978 at the Richfield Coliseum during a blizzard that caused the band and many concert goers to have to stay the night at the Coliseum. Ord. No. 1204-2023.