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Council Meeting Highlights

Aug 07, 2024

City Council held its second of two summer meetings tonight, both in person in Council Chambers and live streamed. Council meetings will resume to the regular Monday night schedule starting Sept. 9th. Here are today’s highlights:

Brownfield Remediation on E. 93rd Corridor: Council approved the city accepting a $500,000 grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency for a Brownfields Community-Wide Assessment, including authorizing the director to employ one or more professional consultants to inventory, evaluate, and plan the redevelopment of priority brownfields along the East 93rd Street Corridor Target Area. The city was awarded the grant in May, which does not require a local match. This is a step toward bringing vacant brownfields back to productive use along an important commercial and industrial corridor. Ord. No. 851-2024

Site Readiness Fund: Council approved transferring $50 million from the Site Readiness Fund to The Cleveland Foundation to establish, manage, and implement an endowment fund and grow the fund for use for the acquisition, aggregation and remediation of sites located throughout the City.  By 2040, Site Readiness Fund is aiming to bring 1000 acres back into productive use that support the creation of 25,000 good jobs that are accessible to City of Cleveland residents. The Site Readiness Fund was established in 2023.  Progress to date includes 3 sites “ready” for use, purchase completed and redevelopment of historic, 183,000 sq. ft. building in process, two 100+ business parks under development, two market creation initiatives in progress that include a food production hub and a modular home factory. Ord. No. 745-2024

Impett Park Improvements Planned: Council approved the city application for a $112,500 NatureWorks grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for Impett Park. City Councilman Charles Slife (Ward 17) has offered $37,500 of his discretionary funds as matching funds required for the grant, if they receive the award. The improvements include the purchase and installation of a new pavilion, associated electrical connections, and amenities such as picnic tables. Ord. No. 808-2024

Bedrock Cuyahoga River Redevelopment: Council approved the proposed “Shore-to-Core-to-Shore” tax increment finance district. The proposed district, which Council approved in May 2024, has the potential to be a catalytic development project for our City’s riverfront and lakefront – while also providing immediate funding for neighborhoods throughout the City.  As a result of the Council’s work, the City of Cleveland will receive an immediate $5 million infusion from Bedrock – one of the first participants in the Shore-to-Core-to-Shore tax increment finance district. This $5 million will be housed in a $15 million “Neighborhood Investment Fund,” which Council members will use to support and fund projects in their neighborhoods. In addition to investments in our neighborhoods, today’s legislation, if passed will support remaking the riverfront below Tower City into housing, public space including a river walk, and the Cleveland Cavaliers/Cleveland Clinic Peak Performance Center. 

The Peak Performance Center will include the Cavs training facility – which will be relocating to Cleveland - as well as the Cleveland Clinic’s training, treatment, nutrition, and recovery center with medical specialists open to all levels of athletes. The $3 billion project is expected to be completed in phases, with the Cavs/Clinic center scheduled to be completed by 2027 and includes immense community benefits. The benefits include $25 million in contributions at specific project milestones. Ord. No. 747-2024

Honorary Street Names: Council approved the honorary designation of two streets, one in Ward 8 and the other in Ward 15. Councilman Mike Polensek sponsored adding  the name Father Martin Polito Way as a secondary and honorary name to Ruple Road between St. Clair Avenue and Kipling Avenue. Councilmember Jenny Spencer Designating Herman Avenue between West 65th Street and West 67th Street with a secondary and honorary designation of Pete Leneghan Way. Ord. No. 792 and 793-2024

Eric Carmen Day: Council approved a resolution declaring Aug. 11 as Eric Carmen Day, which also coincides with his birthday. Councilman Brian Kazy is presenting the second Music Key Note to the City to Eric Carmen and the Raspberries on Aug. 8th. Carmen’s widow will accept the award posthumously. Carmen, a prolific singer-songwriter with and without the Raspberries, died earlier this year.  “Eric Carmen is – by far – the most successful musical artist to call Cleveland home,” said Councilman Kazy. “He was a great musician who played multiple instruments and his passing in March was a great loss.”