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Council Meeting Highlights

May 13, 2024

City Council held its regular meeting tonight, both in person in Council Chambers and live streamed. Council's next meeting will be Monday, May 20th. Here are today’s highlights:

3D Printed Homes: Council approved providing $500,000 in economic development assistance to Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry to partially finance the purchase of equipment, the lease or acquisition of warehouse space, and the construction of pilot houses, related to the development and implementation of an affordable housing program for low income or homeless people using 3D printing technology. Councilwoman Stephanie Howse-Jones sponsored the legislation. LMM wants to bring partners together with cutting-edge technology to end homelessness, provide affordable housing, stabilize neighborhoods, and create workforce development opportunities; and serve as a model locally & nationally. 3D printed homes would increase affordable housing stock and they cost significantly less and are constructed faster than traditional new builds. The plan is to have two pilot homes constructed within 18 months. Ord. No. 339-2024

Universal Basic Employment: Council approved providing $600,000 for a two-year research and development process with United Way of Greater Cleveland and Devin H. Cotton, founder of UBE, to explore the launch of a Universal Basic Employment pilot in Cleveland. Cleveland is the first city in the nation to explore UBE as an opportunity to create a pathway toward eliminating poverty and its many symptoms by providing guaranteed employment at a sustaining wage and reducing the need for public assistance supports. Based on the results of the research and development phase, a three-year pilot is expected to follow, providing funding and technical assistance to several small businesses within one designated neighborhood to hire or elevate approximately 100 individuals to an annual wage of $50,000. UBE will subsidize participants' wages for three years while the employers provide essential benefits such as medical coverage, retirement plans, and paid leave. Ord. No. 343-2024


Legislation was introduced to apply for and accept a grant of about $2,328,908 from the U.S. Department of Transportation, and any other funds from public or private entities that may become available during the grant term, to conduct the 2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant. The City of Cleveland will have to provide $582,227 in matching funds. Ord. No. 546-2024