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* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

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Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

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Vacant lot at Madison Ave and West Blvd
Hello Council, Since I have not received any response to my most recent private email I have sent, I will write here as well. There is a growing number of community members and Ward 11 residents in active opposition to Ordinance 791-2024, which will change the Pedestrian Retail Overlay district code to general retail--allowing for a gas station to be developed. The PRO was put in place for a reason. Spot zoning sets a dangerous precedent in our city that any code put in place for the betterment of the city can be overturned simply because a council person decides it. The Board of Zoning Appeals and the City Planning Commission have rejected proposals to change the code on this lot, so to push it through, Danny Kelly has expressed intent to bring it to Council (Ordinance 791-2024) for a 2/3 majority vote to override it. If the experts of city planning in Cleveland have rejected the proposals for very valid reasons, it should not be forced through. This lot borders Cudell Park and Marion C. Seltzer Elementary. Adding a gas station will make the already dangerous intersection at West Blvd and Madison Ave more congested and dangerous. In addition, the emissions from the gas station are harmful to our youth and the affordable housing units neighboring the vacant lot. The attempts to push a gas station through on this lot is a blatant disregard for the community and its needs. Would a gas station even be proposed in a higher-income ward? Or are we simply too poor to influence politics in Cleveland? In short, please vote against Ordinance 791-2024 should it come to you. Thank you.
Name: Heather Smith
Posted: Sep 8, 2024
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Speeding and reckless operation
speed notification on Fulton parkway? The amount of drag racing, dirt bikes and immense speeding down this street is insane! Sometimes even drag racing. Not to mention people disregarding the traffic light on Park drive. Just running through red lights. Since I've been here I've seen 7 car crashes, a dog and cat ran over and also that truck that ran through the house on the corner. This is a very busy neighborhood with adults and children. Especially with people visiting brookside reservation and walking to the zoo daily. I'm not the only person concerned in this neighborhood. Especially the parents with small children. At least one of those digital signs that shows ones speed while driving. I think that would deter most people. Thank you
Name: Adam Michael Artino
Posted: Sep 4, 2024
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The Juvenile Detention Center
The administration that run the juvenile detention center are in over their heads. The way they are running the detention center is like a daycare. I mean a daycare has more structure than CCJDC. The youth are running the housing units and the gang activity is ever present. Visitors only receive a 30 day ban when caught bringing contraband (e.i. Drugs) into the facility by attempting to pass them off to their loved ones. No the police nor the sheriff are called. These youth have no consequences for bad behavior. They are permitted to attack each other and staff without any effective punishment. It is time for this administration and the judges be held accountable for the poor overlooking and control that they have demonstrated.
Posted: Sep 4, 2024
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3054 w 103 st cleveland Ohio 44103
I am submitting a comment regarding the old CVS building on W. 103rd St. The community is under the impression that they are trying to put a gas station/food Mart in this location. I personally would like an up and running business rather than an old abandoned building in the neighborhood. The fact that there will be a food mart, I think will be beneficial to the local residents, please consider my comments in this decision making .
Name: Ivelys Colon
Posted: Sep 4, 2024
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ARPA Money Set Aside for Housing Assistance
City Council is wise to carefully consider the City administration’s abrupt shift in focus for the use of $10 million in ARPA federal aid set aside for housing assistance. In fact, City Council would be especially wise to be skeptical of the overly complex and grandiose plan the City has conjured up and brought forward, the details of which will take extreme vetting to assure that the City’s residents ever realize any benefit. The bulk of the benefit seems destined to go to the developers, construction companies and banks. Why is this administration so obsessed with developer profits? Why can’t it focus on community wealth-building, as in helping individual residents get ahead with living wage jobs, home ownership, small business development and affordable housing, as opposed to building the wealth of developers? Why can’t they invest more in critical infrastructure that will actually draw people to neighborhoods, like high performing public schools and safe streets? A strong city is built incrementally, one neighborhood at a time, one block at a time and this convoluted program envisioned by the City seems like just another corporate welfare scheme for business, wrapped in social justice bromides that may or may not ever come to pass. We’ve seen this movie in Cleveland repeatedly and we know exactly how it ends, just like Opportunity Zones, which ended up simply being more opportunities for rich people to get richer. Cleveland has been subsidizing wealthy developers in a variety of mechanisms for decades, yet Cleveland remains one of the poorest big cities in the United States. How do developers’ political and philanthropic contributions affect the City’s decision-making? Cleveland has a long history of the business community driving the civic agenda here, so much so that the local business cabal here has been known as the Shadow City Hall. And the business community has done quite well, hasn’t it? Just take a ride around Chagrin Falls, Avon or Gates Mills. Our Mayor said it quite clearly himself, “Cleveland is open for business!” No kidding. A great example is the inscrutable decision to move forward with an ostentatiously unnecessary, massively expensive (soon to be boondoggle) land bridge. Who influenced that decision? Developers, attorneys, construction contractors, banks, insurance companies and a billionaire-owned sports franchise that all stand to make a financial killing, no doubt. No taxpayer with a functioning brain is for this, unless they stand to make money on it. That’s the way decisions are made in Cleveland. Profits before people. Meanwhile, the City throws chump change at the problem of unhoused people and makes it sound like it’s a big deal. It’s not, and it’s shameful. One also need only look at the firing of Tessa Jackson to see how the untoward influence of powerful developers corrupts this city. Were they involved in this decision on the ARPA funds? Did they influence the bank who is driving this idea? The sales pitch made by the City for this ARPA money smells a lot like something a developer would have cooked up, frankly. It feels a lot like the City is carrying the developers’ water, yet again. Instead of direct assistance to residents that would drive community based wealth, the City is proposing a massive subsidy for developers, and it’s not at all clear that those developers will be predominantly from the community. In any case, developers are in the business of making money, lots of money, and they are in the business of promoting and capturing lavish public subsidies and guarantees to do so while taking little or no risk. It’s a great deal the developers have, to be sure. How closely will these developers be screened? Will we know who is actually owning our city, or will ownership be hidden behind an opaque phantom LLC? Cleveland has a long history of allowing questionable (and dirty) investment from all over the world into our real estate market with disastrous consequences. Will these developers be backed by foreign, hedge fund or private equity money? Will the City understand the developers’ business model, what they stand to make in profit on their investment and how much economic value will be extracted from and flow up and away from our community? Why do we trust developers to play by rules the City is incapable of enforcing anyway? Every neighborhood deals with ubiquitous developer marketing hocus pocus, as we certainly have in Little Italy. Big promises are made to get approvals, then there is anemic follow-through on commitments to the community and zero code compliance enforcement by the City. We see it every day here. Corporate properties not maintained, raising rents, deferring maintenance, an historic building left to fall apart, the overflowing dumpster with no screening, a discarded mattress, the cracked and disintegrating parking lot surface and minimal and unhealthy landscaping abound. A fact of neighborhood life in Cleveland: corporate neighbors are LOUSY neighbors. Who owns our city is critical, and local and community ownership is essential, by individuals and families as much as possible. City Council is on the right track: community wealth-building. Helping residents to own and rehabilitate property, homes, apartment buildings and businesses so the wealth stays in the community and recirculates. Developers extract wealth from the community, pure and simple. And who knows where in the world that wealth ultimately lands? So, to the maximum extent possible, direct assistance to give individuals living in our neighborhoods a crack at generating some wealth and pursuing the American dream is preferred. To the extent developers are utilized at all, they must be proven to be truly local and backed by demonstrably local financing, and they must deliver substantive, predictable and measurable community benefits as a matter of routine. And City Council needs to assure that the City administration is not being unduly influenced by the rich political donor class from the business community, and in particular wealthy developers and their power broker attorneys. Thank you.
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: Sep 3, 2024
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Burton Bell Carr
I am a resident of the 4th ward and our CDC is Burton Bell Carr. They are to help out the residents with many different grants, classes and other things. I need some repairs on my home and put in an application October 2023 but heard nothing till December 2023 and no help just a phone call. 2024 came around and I put in another application April 2024 and was informed that the person in charge went on paternity leave with no one trained to step in. Burton Bell Carr sent my application to a suburb which isn't a Cleveland Ward. It was confusing and strange to be sent to a suburb that has it's own constituents to take care of. It is now August 2024 and have heard from neither of these companies. I contacted the president of the the City Council Blaine Griffin who also has Burton Bell Carr as their CDC along with Ward 5 and asked him has his ward been receiving actual services from Burton Bell Carr. The president of City Council Blaine Griffin as of today August 21st 2024 has yet to answer. Nor has Burton Bell Carr. What is concerning is this company is in charge of hundreds of thousands of dollars to help the families of wards 4, 5 and 6 but seems to be non responsive. Update: The president of City Council finally answered me but with no help or resolution to the issue of non responsive Burton Bell Carr. I also sent an email to the executive director of Burton Bell Carr August 21st and have not received any response. I am wondering if anyone in these wards has gotten any grants from Burton Bell Carr since they have been CDC's for our wards. I can't even get them to call or acknowledge my application. Nor does the president seem to have any answers that could make me understand why Burton Bell Carr isn't being actively working to help the people of these wards.
Name: Danielle Stewart
Posted: Sep 3, 2024
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ARPA home repair lottery
I was informed that this program was extended till August 28th 2024 so I sent my application in Aug 16th and was informed with in hours that my application was denied because they had filled their application quota. The problem with this is there was no such quota on the website nor the flyer. The flyer said there would only be 150 family homes chosen by September 30th 2024. On August 16th 2024 I was informed by Michiel Wakers a Residential improvement employee that they received the maximum number of applications. I emailed her back but as of today August 21st 2024 have heard no response. What concerns me that this wasn't what was announced and they are now breaking their own rules and not abiding by them. This isn't looking like a fair and just lottery. No I don't expect to be the recipient of the lottery but in less than a day they changed the rules and decided that they were going to change the rules without a Public Announcement. It seems very Shady.
Name: Danielle Stewart
Posted: Aug 21, 2024
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The topic is Asking Cleveland City Council to re- Name Detroit ave. to the original Avenue' Name - West superior.
Why re-name Detroit Ave. in Cleveland, Ohio to west superior. Because Thee original avenue of Cleveland's west side is and was west superior Ave., and shouldn't be mistaken to the slums of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit Ave. is being beautified in Cleveland, Ohio and Cleveland, Ohio should get acknowledged for the modern buildings and houses being built in thee city of Cleveland., rather than Detroit, Michigan. My asking of council is for the Detroit Ave. to be return to the original name West Superior Ave. Remembering thee Superior bridge to and from w. superior was and is in the original city of Cleveland's books. Thank you for honoring Council 15 of my asking to city council, to return the Avenue' name in Cleveland, Ohio to West Superior... to get away from the slums of Detroit, Michigan.
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: Aug 12, 2024
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Damage & Vandelizum to many of my properties and cars & Trucks from 2015 to present 2024.
Just wanted to make the City aware of my daily consent issues have made many Cleveland police reports and all request to the city proscutors office has been rejected or Denied.
Name: Jose Gonzales
Posted: Aug 5, 2024
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Mark and Kelly, found themselves on the brink of death in a horrendous hate crime in Westpark
On a crisp October 2nd evening in 2022, a peaceful interracial couple, Mark and Kelly, found themselves on the brink of death in a horrendous hate crime orchestrated by six individuals. For weeks leading up to the attack, the couple had been subjected to relentless stalking and harassment, culminating in a brutal assault on their own property. Despite their pleas for help and justice, they were failed by the very system meant to protect them. The county prosecutor did apprehend some of the perpetrators, but the couple's quest for justice hit a roadblock when the city prosecutor, Aquila Jordan, unexpectedly charged Mark, the victim, with a violation of a restraining order as a form of retaliation. As the legal battle ensued, the reality of corruption within the Justice Center became painfully clear. Judge Jennifer O'Donnell dismissed the criminal charges against the assailants in favor of a case brought against Mark in municipal court, showing a blatant disregard for the truth. Further manipulation came to light as the city prosecutor's office, led by Judge Cassidy, attempted to coerce Mark into accepting a plea deal for a crime he never committed. Despite the immense pressure, Mark stood his ground, placing his trust in the justice system to see the truth and deliver justice. The assailants, with a dark history of criminal behavior ranging from animal neglect to scamming the city, were allowed to roam free, evading accountability for their reprehensible actions. The support that was supposed to be provided by the justice center, city prosecutor's office, and police was instead utilized to shield a psychotic family from facing the consequences of their hate-fueled attack. The true victims in this tragedy, Mark and Kelly, were left to question where justice truly lies in a system that seems designed to protect the wrongdoers rather than those in need of protection. As the shadows of corruption loom over the once-hopeful couple, one cannot help but wonder if a federal investigation into the Justice Center is the only way to uncover the truth and bring about the justice they so desperately seek. Kelly and Mark's story stands as a chilling example of the failures within the system and the urgent need for reform to prevent others from suffering a similar fate. Where is the justice for the victims when those tasked with upholding it betray their duty and let the guilty walk free?
Name: Minister Garden
Posted: Jul 25, 2024
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