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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.) If you need assistance, language or disability, go here to make a request (at least 3 days in advance.) 

Make a Comment in Person

Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

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If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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the shootings within the city of Cleveland
we as a city and the Leadership of the city of Cleveland and the Cleveland Communities we must work together and bring Positive force of change on all Levels, we as a community must work with the Cleveland Police to stop the Guns Shootings within the Cleveland communities. and the Cleveland Police must bring Trust Back within the Black communities like the old days. remember this y'all together we rise on change not on hatred, or blaming each other, we have Bad cops, and we Have bad People within the Cleveland communities on Both sides of the fence. if the city of Cleveland Leadership and the Cleveland Communities want to bring Positive force of change within the city of Cleveland and within the communities, please give me a call 440.650.7063 Maurice Sledge.
Name: Maurice Sledge
Posted: Aug 1, 2022
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Something has got to be done about all the drug dealers and prostitutes living and hanging out at that apartment building its has gotten worse with no end or police presence in sight.
Name: Tamara Dozier
Posted: Jul 23, 2022
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Concerns about apartment on 14205 Milverton Road that experienced Fire damage in early May 2022
14205 Milverton Road (building complex) unfortunately experienced a small fire in May 2022. The property has obviously suffered damage in more than one suite of the complex. Unfortunately the property has not been tended to. The windows were broken out during the time of the fire, yet there has been no follow up by the property owners. None of the windows were boarded up while there are other residents still living in other parts of the building. This is not only a nuisance to the neighborhood, but more importantly it is a health and safety hazard to the other tenants. As a resident in the adjacent neighborhood, we are requesting the council person, Joseph Jones to please look into this matter.
Name: Concerned Neighbor
Posted: Jul 23, 2022
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Wasted money Council members are using from infrastructure
It is ludicrous the money being spent on frivolous items as written in The PD. Why not fix Cleveland streets and also give to outlying cities whose streets are used by people going to work in Cleveland? Why not use some of it for picking up all the trash along the filthy streets/freeways surrounding Cleveland? Why is it only you handful of people get to decide what gets spent and to what?
Name: Jean Brehm
Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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City streets
My name is Kevin Willis I live on E.153 and kinsmen and they patching holes and last year they paved all of E.151st last year this was the second year that patch holes and the street is getting worse every year in the winter when they plow it's worse the city and the mayor need to change I'm a tax payer also that's why I voted for you for change.thankyou mr.taxpayer#
Name: Kevin Willis
Posted: Jul 6, 2022
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Parks and vacant lot employee ongoing sexual harassment ussues
Idk who I need to speak with at this point but I'm tired of it and it has to end the victimisation and discrimination along with disrespectful antics towards woman has to completely stop the more I complain the harder my employer is it's a retaliation affect going on at hand .soon it will be in the news if I can't stop this and be heard I work at Humphrey ok station and it's toxic and intolerable
Name: Sharie N Hill
Posted: Jun 29, 2022
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Complete and Green Streets Ordinance
Good Evening, Councilmembers. My name is Brian Siggers and I am proud to serve as the Cleveland Metro Advocacy Director for the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund—the sibling organization of the Ohio Environmental Council which works statewide to advance important policy securing healthy air, clean water, vibrant public lands, as well as a strong democracy for all who call Ohio home. Here in Cleveland, we are pleased to work with community partners to ensure a healthier environment for all Cleveland residents. There are many ordinances you will be voting on this evening that do just that. I am here tonight to specifically urge you to vote in favor of Complete and Green Streets Ordinance (Ordinance 370-2022), sponsored by Council Member McCormack and Mayor Bibb. The Complete and Green Streets Ordinance will improve coordination on road projects among city departments, require street designs to prioritize vulnerable road users, invest in green infrastructure measures, and create an oversight committee to review road projects to ensure the designs meet the needs of all road users. At the OEC Action Fund, we are constantly examining different ways that we can tackle climate change and help cities reduce carbon emissions. Walking and bicycling are zero-emissions modes of transportation—and a solo commuter who switches to transit could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20 pounds per day, or more than 4,800 pounds in a year. A National Household Transportation Survey indicated that approximately half of all trips in metropolitan areas are 3 miles or less and 28% of all metropolitan trips are one mile or less—distances that could easily be traversed by foot or bicycle; yet, 72% of trips under one mile are now made by automobile. We know that transportation is not just a minor issue of convenience; it shapes the community members’ access to jobs, education, healthy foods, and health care. According to our partners at Bike Cleveland, nearly 25% of Cleveland households do not have access to a vehicle—and in some neighborhoods, that rate is over 70%. Biking and walking are the most affordable forms of transportation; however, we have not built our city to make biking and walking safe or easy options. Many surveys have found that a lack of sidewalks and safe places to bike are the primary barriers that prevent people from walking or cycling more. With streets designed for 1+ million people, we have to rethink usage of transportation systems, and build towards more equitable, integrated and inter-modal ways to move people to and from their destinations. The updated Complete and Green Streets Ordinance also integrates important green infrastructure elements that help Cleveland ensure better air quality and stormwater management as well. Implementing this equitable transportation policy centered on people, will help to overcome some of the structural challenges that perpetuate disparity and environmental injustice in our city. It is imperative for the health of our environment and the health of our community, that we build our roads for multi-modal use and reduce our carbon emissions. We humbly ask that you vote to pass this ordinance so that the City of Cleveland will help mitigate climate change and support our city’s economic growth. Ultimately, passage of the Complete and Green Streets Ordinance will be a significant step in moving the city towards increased sustainability. Thank you.
Name: Brian Siggers
Posted: Jun 6, 2022
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Commission on Black Women and Girls
Good evening, My name is Gwen Stembridge and I'm a 11 year resident of Cleveland and proud homeowner in Ward 11. I come to you tonight as a taxpayer, a voter, a white queer woman, and a self described "CLE-vangelist." I believe our government and democracy are working best when those with the most at stake have their needs met. Tonight you have the opportunity to create a commission on Black women and girls in the city of Cleveland. Some people might wonder why we need to create a commission for a specific population within the city. Isn't equality about just treating everyone equally? And sure that language sounds so pretty! But there's one adjustment we need to make. We need to not just treat people with equality but we need to ensure equality of outcomes for our residents and neighbors. There are plenty of studies to show how we are failing our Black Women neighbors when it comes to education, healthcare, and economic opportunity, from outside and inside the City of Cleveland. This is not just a problem for Black Women in Cleveland but it's a problem for us all. Dexter Edgar Converse is quoted as saying that the well being of any country is dependent on the culture of it's women. I would add that the wellbeing of a city like a Cleveland is entirely dependent on the culture of it's Black Women. If Black Women and Girls are not thriving in Cleveland, none of us are thriving. Cleveland cannot fulfill it's purpose until Black Women in Cleveland are THRIVING! This commission will ensure our government is prioritizing and investing in Black Women and Girls so that our city can truly thrive!
Name: Gwen Stembridge
Posted: Jun 6, 2022
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Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls
I am Dr. T. Carter, founder of Black Women Coping in Community an organization birthed from the plight of the black women coping in Cleveland. Established to provide creative cathartic spaces for black women to engage, be empowered, and supported. As a black woman currently coping in the city of Cleveland of Ohio I am both saddened and excited by the possibilities of this conversation today. I am saddened that it has taken so long for black women to be seen, heard, and acknowledged for our contributions to society and the inequity we endure daily with regard to viability and livability. But also excited that we are no longer the invisible marginalized group. I have personally lived in Cleveland for decades and have experienced every aspect of the oppression and disregard expressed in the Citylab article. I appreciate Mayor Bibb and the new administration for addressing a problem that will not only impact this people group but will improve our community overall. Because when you address the plight of the black woman you address the most prevalent issues that address our society as a whole; race, and gender.
Name: Dr. Tisha Carter
Posted: Jun 6, 2022
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Commission of Black Women and Girls (Ordinance No. 373-2022)
This is a statement by Molly Ryan, PharmD in support of the implementation of a Commission of Black Women and Girls, due to the emergent need to support Black women and girls in Cleveland. As a healthcare worker (pharmacy, Fulbright alumna in Public Health) who seeks to advocate for patients and has provided service in multiple Cleveland establishments and community organizations during the last several years, I am emphasizing the healthcare need and benefits of this ordinance. This Commission can benefit the health needs of Black women and girls not only through direct health-related advocacy, but also indirectly through positively influencing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), such as matters of the family and community like employment, housing, access to transportation. This ordinance is of significant importance to the health benefits of Black women, since an individual's health outcomes are influenced by SDOH, potentially to a greater extent than the exact medical treatment received. Given the quantity and quality of advanced healthcare resources in Cleveland, it is within the city's responsibility and benefit to improve healthcare access and lower health risks for Black women, girls, and their communities. The Commission of Black Women and Girls (Ordinance No. 373-2022) is an important measure to achieve this goal.
Name: Molly Ryan
Posted: Jun 6, 2022
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