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Cleveland City Council Leadership Team's Statement on Proposed Browns Stadium Funding Package

Aug 01, 2024

Cleveland, OH (August 1, 2024) - Cleveland City Council's Leadership team, comprised of Council President Blaine A. Griffin (Ward 6), Majority Leader Kerry McCormack (Ward 3), and Majority Whip Jasmin Santana (Ward 14), desires for Cleveland Browns Stadium to remain at its current location, on the shores of Lake Erie. The City of Cleveland, in collaboration with local partners, is committed to ensuring the Cleveland Browns remain a vital part of our community by keeping the stadium in downtown Cleveland.  


Cleveland offers the best funding options for the future of the stadium. Keeping it in its current location reinforces our dedication to the team and the region. 


Earlier today, Council President Blaine A. Griffin received the funding package proposed by the Bibb administration. The entirety of the City Council will review and discuss the proposal at a later date.  


Council President Griffin stated, "Keeping the Browns' stadium in the heart of our central business district is not just a matter of sports; it's about economic growth and community pride. A downtown stadium supports local businesses, stimulates job creation, and enhances our city's vibrancy. The Browns' presence contributes to Cleveland's cultural fabric, attracting visitors and residents alike to our downtown." 

There is no doubt that our sports teams are in the DNA of Clevelanders. Majority Leader Kerry McCormack stated, "As the representative for all three professional sports teams in downtown Cleveland, I have worked diligently on agreements with our Major League Baseball and National Basketball Association teams to ensure that they maintain their presence in the center city, benefit our entire community, and allow our teams to thrive. The City of Cleveland has been a good partner to the Browns. It is my strong hope and desire that the team reciprocates the same level of partnership and commitment that has been demonstrated by the City of Cleveland and our citizens. The Browns must remain a City of Cleveland team." 


Majority Whip Jasmin Santana also emphasized the importance of history and community connection, saying, "The Cleveland Browns and the City of Cleveland have a long and shared history. Keeping the stadium in its current location allows us to build upon that history. But remaining on the lakefront is about more than history. It also impacts and benefits many small businesses downtown. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we must and will support their success." 


Cleveland City Council's leadership team calls upon the Cleveland Browns organization to engage in meaningful discussions with city leaders and stakeholders to explore the best possible future for the team and its fans. Together, we can ensure that the Cleveland Browns remain a proud part of our city's identity and contribute to the growth and prosperity of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. 
