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Cleveland City Council Leadership Reflected on Accomplishments and Set Priorities for 2024-25 Legislative Session

Sep 09, 2024

Earlier today, Cleveland City Council President Blaine A. Griffin, Majority Leader Kerry McCormack, and Majority Whip Jasmin Santana convened a press conference to discuss their legislative achievements from the previous session, outline their strategic priorities for the upcoming session, and to announce changes in staffing.  


During the press conference, the Council leaders reviewed significant accomplishments from the prior session. They highlighted successful initiatives such as new economic development programs, affordable housing opportunities, advancements in public safety equipment and measures, and improvements in community services. The leaders provided detailed insights into how these measures positively impacted the city and addressed key community concerns.  


Looking ahead, President Griffin, Majority Leader McCormack, and Majority Whip Santana outlined their strategic goals for the rest of the year. They emphasized plans to tackle pressing issues, including improving public safety, enhancing economic growth, addressing the redistricting process, and promoting overall community well-being. They also discussed overseeing that American Rescue Plan Act funding contracts and agreements are finalized.   


During the press conference, Council leadership also shared goals for each of Council’s seven working committees. The goals are available for viewing in the addendum to this press release, and here.   


Council announced the promotion of four staff members, and the hiring of a fifth to support its Policy and Research team. The staffing changes include:  


  • the promotion of Darryle Torbert from Director of Communications to Chief of Strategy  

  •  the promotion of Joe Titran from Policy and Research Analyst to Director of Policy and Research  

  • the promotion of Leah Short from Legislative Assistant to Chief Legislative Secretary 

  • the promotion of Crystal Sanders from Receptionist to Legislative Assistant   

  • the hiring of Tina Magistro as Policy and Research Analyst  


Today’s press conference provided an opportunity for media and community members to engage directly with Council leadership, gaining an in-depth understanding of the city’s legislative agenda and future initiatives ahead of the 2024-25 legislative session.